I'm having a hard time getting these off my computer.Running xp pro, AVG Anti-Virus, BPS Spywear remover..Everything is up to date..

Everytime i run AVG now i get , Trojan horse PSW.Bispy A and B. infected, embedded object... 2 sets of them, Total of 4.

No matter what i do i cant get them off the computer..Can anyone help me out with this???

Thanks alot..

Everytime i run AVG now i get , Trojan horse PSW.Bispy A and B. infected, embedded object... 2 sets of them, Total of 4.

It appears to infect system files, but it's unclear exactly which ones. That's is why it can't be removed by the virus checker. I used the search term Bispy to find what I could on it, but not much specific information.

hi Am having the same troble how u your remove PSW.Bispy have used the removly tool on AVG does not seem to work

moving to Security forum

Try running Spybot or Adaware.

A lot of times, virus detection tools pick up spyware as trojan horses. The only thing about it is, they don't do a lot about the "virus" that it picks up. You still need to run something to fix the issue.

Where are they located on your system? A lot of the time these things are in your system restore folder & therefore cannot be fixed. If this is the case you need to disable system restore, run AVG in safe mode then set a new system restore point. All previous restore points will be lost!!

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