Has anyone seen this? I can't find anything on google/groups, none of my co-workers have seen this and none of our usual recommended spy-ware tools from here are finding this! I boot into safe mode and remove the registry keys and exe file, but after a reboot it is somehow repropogated and back in the startup! It doesn't do any browser hijacking, just random popups. This thing is damned annoying, and until it gets removed from a client's computer, I get phone calls every time there is a popup! If anyone could help out that would be MUCH appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

What steps have you ran all ready? Your saying in IE your getting ramdom pop-ups? Please be a little more clear on the question. Thanks buddy.

What steps have you ran all ready? ...Please be a little more clear on the question.

I can't find anything on google/groups, none of my co-workers have seen this and none of our usual recommended spy-ware tools from here are finding this! I boot into safe mode and remove the registry keys and exe file, but after a reboot it is somehow repropogated and back in the startup!

("our usual recommended spy-ware tools from here" means the same tools that we always tell people here at daniweb to use.)

In other words...

I ran AdAware, SpyBot, and Hijack-this with no results of anything pertaining to spamremote.exe (And yes all of these were up to date) There were a few things related to SahAgent, but those were removed by adaware, and have been gone for days.

After those programs found nothing I booted into safe mode to delete the spamremote.exe file on the HD as well as the registry keys that were causing it to startup, checked msconfig as well. No records of it in the startup. Cool? No... it repropogates itself somehow from a secondary binary elsewhere on the computer.

Other resources I have checked are google/groups.google and co-workers.

Your saying in IE your getting ramdom pop-ups?

It doesn't do any browser hijacking, just random popups.

I didn't mention IE. What I am saying is that it does random popups. Whether IE is loaded or not. Hence, random.

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