Just got to love the number of posts about this one. While I found it a nuisance after removing the files that left it, I did not find bridge.dll invasive, just painful.
The info here (and numerous references to HJ) made it easy to get rid off, but his may be another solution. I would recommend having it reviewed before you try it.
I have almost enjoyed tracking this one down and getting rid of it. Thanks. Here is a possible alternative that I found and worth a look.
Thanks again.
Open notepad, and copy the information in this box:
REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "RunDLL"=-
Then, save as bridge-repair.reg (make sure you change the Save As Type from .txt to All Files), and then right-click that .reg file and choose Merge. Tell it yes to merge it in, and then you should be all set.