I am running a software on a Linux machine, I am synchronizing time via default ntpd configurations available in Linux (/etc/ntp.conf).
I am connecting to the customer NTP server.
Now i was requested to tell which synchronization type is used on my machine (Frequency Synchronization/ Time Synchronization or Time-of-day Synchronization)
Now after some googling it seems there is two types for NTP synchronization:
1- Phase Synchronization.
2- Frequency Synchronization.
But how can I decide which of them is used by Linux? I am already connected the customer NTP server and they told that their NTP doesn't support Time Synchronization, so should it be Frequency Synchronization which is used by Linux machines?
The customer is refering to RFC5905 in his questions but I couldn't find anything useful about my question in the RFC.
Thanks in advance for assistance.