I'm using the BullionVault API to view my orders.
I use the requests from the official documentation https://www.bullionvault.com/help/xml_api.html and python language.
My issue is the request response is the HTML DOM of the BullionVault login page.
Here is my code:
login_page_url = "https://or.bullionvault.fr/secure/login.do"
login_page_url2 = "https://live.bullionvault.com/secure/j_security_check"
payload2 = {'j_username': 'myusername', 'j_password': 'mypassword'}
with requests.Session() as s:
a = s.get(login_page_url)
b = s.get(login_page_url2, params = payload2)
c = s.get("https://or.bullionvault.fr/secure/view_orders_xml.do")
print(a) #output status 200
print(b) #output status 200
print(c) #output status 200
print(c.text) #output HTML DOM
What I am doing wrong ?