I have a macX and the disc won't eject, does anyone have any hints? I've tried the option "e" command and also the eject button doesn't seem to help either, Thanks for you help.

all disk drives had a little circular opening. In the front just big enough for a paper clip. Unfild the clip and stick it in the little hole. Then push in and the disk drive will open its called emergency open. Its a great feature. I use it when disk drives lock.


Have you tried dragging the disk / cd-rom to the trash, and seeing the trash turn into an "eject button" ? Does that work?

The emergency open technique described above should only be done as a last resort. If you do need to do it, be sure to save your work and restart... otherwise the Mac might start looking for the volume that was unmounted properly.


Ya, i dont do it alot. Ive done it maybe 3 or 4 times. But those CD-Rom Drives have already been replaced.

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