When trying to play a Quicktime files recently I got a window saying,

'Old Quicktime Please upgrade to Quicktime 7.0 or later'.

So I went on Apple's website and downloaded Quicktime 7.0. However when I get to the 'select a destination' window on the installer I keep getting a message saying,

'This disk is dimmed because there is a newer version of quicktime already present'

and then I can't proceed. I've tried to trash all traces of my current Quicktime package but no luck.

Any suggestions?

Have you tried the software update feature?

Haven't installed 7 myself on my mini yet unless I updated it a few months ago..

Have you tried the software update feature?

Haven't installed 7 myself on my mini yet unless I updated it a few months ago..

Tried software update as suggested but there was no option to upgrade Quicktime. Checked recent upgrade log and it says I upgraded to 7.0 on the 9th of this month.


Have you attempted to uninstall it? :D (if thats a stupid question for a mac please don't be mad, I haven't had time to dive into my mini that much yet)

Have you attempted to uninstall it? :D (if thats a stupid question for a mac please don't be mad, I haven't had time to dive into my mini that much yet)

I've tried to get rid of all traces of my current quicktime (ie. trashing anything I saw re quicktime) but I don't think I've cleared it all out.
How would I go about uninstalling it properly?

Not sure, I've been working with my mac today and I haven't seen an "uninstall feature"

However if you've removed the QuickTime app from the applications folder I would think it should be gone now..

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