I have been using windows since 2000 but now i want to switch to ios because windows operating system get corrupt instantly.please suggest me to choose one ?

So let's get this straight, are you saying you want to replace a Windows 2000 PC/Laptop with an iOS iPhone/iPad?

iOS and OSX only run on Apple hardware. You will have to replace your laptop. Another solution is to install Linux on the laptop if you cannot afford the new hardware gear.

Thanks for suggestions now i decide to get imac

Right Choice, Abners. Mac is better than Windows in many perspective.

The sightless hate and appreciation organised by both ends can often force you away from selecting the cellphone that you really should.
While Information Corp’s Jen Dudley valiantly rebutted visitor blog writer Trevor Long’s content on why he can’t keep his iPhone, we believed we would take the best factors from both, get the essential groups and try to perform out once and for all what is the best choice for you.

Apple ios will always be more stable. The simple reason is that they only need to code the OS for their own proprietary hardware.

Windows tries to support a multiverse of different CPU/MB/Peripheral/HDs/NIC/etc along with all the 3rd party driver/add ins/etc.

They are 2 very different types of tools.

Apple may be more user friendly, especially for the novices. Windows has flexibility and an installed business base behind it.

because windows operating system get corrupt instantly

There seems to be more here than meets the eye. If Windows gets corrupt "instantly", that's suggestive of a deeper problem unrelated to the OS itself.

Well, if windows is compared with iOS then I would definately vote iOS, its way more better than Windows.

Compared to Windows, I prefer to using iOS because it's more stable and fluent.

Whatever the big mothership of windows 10 will come and its gonna delete mac historrryeee! it copied mac and linux mwahahahahaahahaahaahahahhahahaa!

IOS apple is the best.

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