MidiMagic 579 Nearly a Senior Poster

The problem is that Microsoft wants all of the upgrade revenue, exspecially by forcing governments to pay for new versions all of the time. It's greed.

At least Microsoft released a fix for this bug in IE 8.

But Microsoft doesn't care that it is forcing premature obsolescence of expensive scientific and recording studio equipment that will not work on newer computers:

  • The equipment needs XP. The newer operating systems change the system timing enough that the equipment does not work properly.

  • The equipment needs an older computer, because the accessory card will not fit the new bus slots.

  • The new operating systems need more RAM than the old computers with the correct accessory slots can hold.

All Microsoft is thinking of is its bottom line.

And they want to force cell phone interfaces on all of us.

Reverend Jim 5,095 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

Do you think you can still get parts to repair your old 8-track cassette deck? Or any cassette deck?

How long do you expect car manufacturers to keep supporting old vehicles? Do you expect to go into a parts store and get a carburator for a '59 ford sedan? Would you expect to find seatbelts and airbags on a 50 year old vintage auto? Or anti-lock brakes?

Like it or not, Windows XP just does not support the advanced security that is built into modern operating systems and it is unreasonable to expect Microsoft to waste any more effort on shoehorning in patch after patch to try to keep Windows XP secure.

Now the question become why does this thread refuse to die?

rtrethewey 24 Junior Poster

Of course, Microsoft had little choice but to include older versions of Internet Explorer in this update. The optics would have been horrendous if the world suddenly discovered a major security issue just weeks after the support cut-off date and they did nothing about it. Further, Internet Explorer is a flagship product. Microsoft has just started to make headway in reducing the perception in the geek community that IE is a terrible browser. So they couldn't leave ~30% of the general user base with the impression that IE was dangerously vulnerable even if it was only the older versions.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

just wanted to add...
the newer kernal isn't exactly secure...

for one, there's proof it's easier for MS as well as our untrustworthy gov't to spy on you,
and possibly even control you...

gimme some time to find what I read...
now that I've got a few places to post my findings.
(I'm quite busy and would rather work on my projects than look again for recalled info)

for two, security is rather pointless in the popular products provided today...
most internet browsers expect your anti virus to catch the fallout of what little they can protect you from.

I don't use offline email clients either due to their lacking security.

if MS was here to make any sort of improvments:
- Windows Firewall would be additional software (not packed with Windows)
- MS-SE would be better than Avast and actually TRY to protect your compy
- their latest IE would actually work on XP and offer as much protection as (if not more more than) Comodo Dragon/IceDragon

the OS itself does not matter.
XP can be made to support what 7 can support.
what I hate is that 7 can't directly support what XP can.

and now for the final filler,
MS's stupidity is what keeps this thread alive.

khakilang -3 Posting Pro in Training

I think if this is going go on. Sooner or later somebody will organize Windows XP support group to bring Window XP back alive or sell to another company that can still support Window XP. That will be something.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

I think developers need to take a step back (to XP) to take 2 steps forward...

I think XP will eventually come back, but under another name...

as far as things go, I'm being forced over to Linux on my end :P
(a friend burned me a copy of his Linux and nearly yelled at me to install it) XD

most people say 7 is nice for it's UI and it's BSoD stability,
but that's because most people are noobs and don't know what 7 really limits them on.
(you need to be a windows hacker to figure it out)

the last thing to bring up, that was brought up to me on a steam argument, is support...
XP can EASILY be given the support 7 has by writing wrappers around XP's kernal and porting all that gold from 7 over the platinum XP already has.

XP CAN even be made faster...
the kernal isn't what's slow... it's what's loaded at boot-time to get the kernal running...
alot of this can be redone as it's not just the kernal that's booted.

as for right now, XP can be described as a complete mess,
though it could be cleaned up if MS would scrap their rebuilt kernal and build something a bit more realistic (improving XP's kernal and removing all their dumb ideas)
^improvments as in inefficient mistakes revized (the kernal doesn't perform perfectly, but it operates perfectly)

IK it sounds like a contradiction...
the kernal itself is extremely fast, but is slowed down by boot objects,
but the kernal isn't exactly perfect in itself either.
that's what I'm saying

Reverend Jim 5,095 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

I don't know if this works but... how to receive XP security updates until 2019

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

can't tell if this implementation doesn't use WinUpdate, but it's very interesting at the least. :)

I don't like WinUpdate...
others mistook their compy screwing up as something I did on it, and almost said I couldn't use their compy anymore... heh
but really, WinUpdate installed a bad update that nearly compromized their compy.

Member Avatar for Everyauction

I created and 'activated' a reg-file, containing this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

started the IE8 and and update-installed everything in MANUAL SELECT MODE, NOT automatically, EXEPT for Updates related DIRECTLY to Embedded Systems, therefore, I avoided to download the IE8-(POS)Update as well.


I have nothing to loose, another (WIN7) PC is ready to take over, if I ever kill my beloved XP by doing this!

Good Luck


Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

Thanks for the heads-up Everyauction.

The info I used came from our German Whizz-Kids at http://www.sebijk.com/community/board15-other/board73-tutorials/2985-getting-xp-updates/

XP Machine is running great! No problems so far.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

I was having a problem with speed and corrupt hibernations, but I've fixed both of those now. :)

I'm actually thinking about completely removing IE8...
I don't hardly use it anymore including web-development purposes.

perhapse that should remove a few threats from my system. XD

I'll be sure to let anyone know of any threats and what not that actually get through my layers of security. ;)

I have nothing to loose, another (WIN7) PC is ready to take over, if I ever kill my beloved XP by doing this!

might I suggest installing linux on that,
or perhapse only using that as a public PC.

not joking when I say MS and the gov't have full control over you if you use the new Windows kernal.
(I'm not sure if this applies to Vista)

AKsarben 6 Light Poster

What is the consensus of using the Windows update to 2019 for Media edition registry tweak? Any conflicts or other issues?

Member Avatar for Everyauction

might I suggest installing linux on that, or perhapse only using that as a public PC.<

... I am, like huge numbers of others, used to Programs/Tools for a decade and more, none of them would work on Linux, it would harder than moving up to Win8.x
I addition, I never had any problems (yet). Doing my best to keep the PC clean, I am just not worried.


Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

don't forget, Linux is more than capable of running EXEs. ;)
(though not every linux build, I have a copy of Zorin which actually comes pre-packed with a Blender installation)

Mono is the replacement for .NET, so anything that uses that should work.

unless of course you rely purely on MS software...
if that's the case, you may have to subject your compy to MS and the Gov't.

as far as security goes, uninstall IE and ActiveX and you should be fine. :)
(ActiveX is MS's biggest security hole, and IE can be run silently by anything, posing a threat)

MS developers need to learn how to code again. XDD

ggeoff 4 Junior Poster- 72 years old :)

Howabout running windows on a Mac Click Here

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

that can be anything but a good idea...

but that being said, a computer is a computer, no matter what OS you run on it.

that means Win7 on mac won't keep you any more protected than it would on say, a steam-machine (which for those who still don't know is basically a gaming rig).

as far as it stands, WinXP -(IE+ActiveX) -(MS software) +(multiple security installations (aside from MS SE)) +(Secure Browsers (not Chrome or FF)) will keep you far more secure and protected than ANY WinVista (and up) installation.

the new kernal is a joke, and I can't wait to see the world fall when it fails. XDD

no I'm not delusional...
if I knew where the resources I've looked at were, I'd more than gladly share them. :)
(I have no reason to lie to anyone, I'm just busy/lazy to look)
^ don't snicker at the buzy part, because I have alot of stuff to show you.

LaxLoafer 71 Posting Whiz in Training

as far as it stands, WinXP -(IE+ActiveX) -(MS software) +(multiple security installations (aside from MS SE)) +(Secure Browsers (not Chrome or FF)) will keep you far more secure and protected than ANY WinVista (and up) installation.

There has been thousands of updates to Windows since the release of XP. Are you suggesting the various bug fixes, security patches and other improvements have actually made Windows less secure?

no I'm not delusional...

Prove it :-)

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

Are you suggesting the various bug fixes, security patches and other improvements have actually made Windows less secure?

not at all :)

what I'm suggesting is the implementations in the new kernal which allows MS to see and control everything you do on your compy is what makes you less secure.

thus my main reason for hating anything built off the vista kernal such as 7/8.

what they've done is even worse than ActiveX, which is probably why they've removed it.
(I'm only assuming here, I can't provide facts to why Vista+ don't have ActiveX)

Prove it :-)

lol once I get off my lazy loaf and actually look for those resources again. XD
that may be a while though because I'm currently writing:
- a few games; to gain knowledge for:
- a few programs
- a few plugins for my forum

^ every single one of those is an extremely large project which I currently lack in knowledge on...
so as the first one states, I'm getting some. :P
unfortunately though I have to fend for myself on all of these...
(I'm at a point where if I need help, I'll need to add you to the project)

in any case...
there is the fact that I am a windows hacker (just for fun, and only to do stuff to me)
I have fun playing around with the registry and system files.

again, I have no reason to lie to anyone. :)
I do have a reason to not let anyone in on my projects though. XD
(highly irrelevent)

I'm a good guy who works to protect everyone and rule out any bad wherever it may appear.
what's even better, I work at no charge except a fun time. :)
I don't want anyone else to have to go through the horrid life I've been through.

so you see... I have a passion and a good reason to tell people NOT to update their OS, or to switch to linux, and get on developers butts to make a linux build.

MS wants to blind you and entise you so they can control you.
(the XBox One also indirectly titled "The Anarchists Nightmare" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23sy6hEEdxQ is what got me to deeply look into this stuff)
^ not that I wasn't looking into it before... but heck

AKsarben 6 Light Poster

Just an aside, why compy rather than "computer"?

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

Just an aside, why compy rather than "computer"?

it's easier to type :P
that and I'm used to it. XD

happygeek 2,411 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster

Hehe. I use 'lappy' instead of laptop, probably far more than I should do, for no other reason than it's how I speak - and I lean towards a conversational way of writing if I can.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster
  • and I lean towards a conversational way of writing if I can.

yea, same here, even though my disability bamfs my means for having a good conversation, I still try. ;)

it's better to speak noob while thinking like a pro. ;D

one more thing I should note about XP, or what I say about it.
everything I say about it is coming from a programmer/hacker perspective.
I love hacking my OS, because you find out what you can really do to it.
I havn't tried hacking 8, but I have tried hacking a horridly adware infected 7...

let's just say, XP is easier, broader, and less controlling than 7.

programming on XP vs 7 may not be any different than OpenGL vs DirectX.
for programming I don't get why people say DirectX is better,
unless people like having to reinvent the wheel for every API they build...
OpenGL is simpler as well as broader, and a much better cross-platform resource to program for.

heck even Nintendo's GX API is entirely based off OpenGL 1x or 2x.

btw, if you see wat I did there, +1 ;)

Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster

I havn't tried hacking 8, but I have tried hacking a horridly adware infected 7...

let's just say, XP is easier, broader, and less controlling than 7.

And that is exactly what Microsoft wants -- to keep you hackers out of their operating system. That's a bit Plus in my opinion.

Member Avatar for Everyauction

what they've done is even worse than ActiveX...<

The Day, when Active-X was 'released', was the beginning of the End of Secure Internet Surfing. But it did NOT keep anyone from going even further, jumping onto the Bandwaggon, developping Shockwave and all the other Crap, because it OPENED whole new Way's of 'Interactivity', never seen before, when the only moving Stuff on a Webpage where, at best, animated GIF-Images.

Customers/Users don't care about Active-X/Shockwave/Java/e.t.c., most of them don't even know a thing about it. They just want to see and use, what's there to see and use. Taking this in regard, is actually, what Software-Companies should be aware of. But their Goal is, to make money, not to care about User/Customer-Behaviour.

If it would not be so, no Automobile in the World would have/need 300 Horsepower, and reach Speeds, fare away from any real and secure use...


Tcll commented: did you know I have a desire to get rid of money?? (for exactly the reason you stated) +2
Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

That's a bit Plus in my opinion.

not that I disagree, at least I'm sane and harmless when it comes to hacking. :)

but have you considered viruses that install themselves into locations you're not allowed access to??
I've ran into issues where not even TDSS Killer could remove certain files where the root of the virus was initialized. "IPSec.sys" cough
(I don't think 7 will let you delete that file like XP will)
^ make sure you have a backup of an original before deleting, and don't restart until restored.


If it would not be so, no Automobile in the World would have/need 300 Horsepower, and reach Speeds, fare away from any real and secure use...

excluding racing, as a sport ;)
but that's beyond your point.

EDIT2: ^forget I said that...
there's actually a much bigger picture to look at with that...

but more among the fact that yes there still would be those cars.
they'd just be alot more regulated based on user necesity (like they should be).

MidiMagic 579 Nearly a Senior Poster

Do you think you can still get parts to repair your old 8-track cassette deck? Or any cassette deck?

If I bought an 8-track tape and no newer verion of that recording is available, I want the ability to still hear that album. I paid for the royalty right to hear those songs in perpetuity when I bought the album. You want to take that album away from me.

And if I spent thousands of dollars on expensive lab or studio equipment that can easily last 20 or 30 years, it should not be prematurely lost because Microsoft wants to make money by changing the operating system all the time.

How long do you expect car manufacturers to keep supporting old vehicles? Do you expect to go into a parts store and get a carburator for a '59 ford sedan? Would you expect to find seatbelts and airbags on a 50 year old vintage auto? Or anti-lock brakes?

But what Microsoft is doing is changing the road so nobody can drive the old vehicle. They have effectively replaced the road with railroad tracks.

The old vehicle is the equivalent of the scientific or music studio equipment, not the computer.

Like it or not, Windows XP just does not support the advanced security that is built into modern operating systems and it is unreasonable to expect Microsoft to waste any more effort on shoehorning in patch after patch to try to keep Windows XP secure.

No it is not. They could have upgraded XP instead of trying to make entirely new operating systems. We did not need the changes put into Vista, 7, or 8. Microsoft forced them on us.

Now the question become why does this thread refuse to die?

Because people need XP in order to keep using the expensive equipment they have. And because governments are wasting billions of tax dollars replacing computers, buying new software, and retraining employees, all because Microsoft is deliberatelty making the old ones obsolete to grub the money.

What Microsoft is doing to computing should be outlawed.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

I want to add that XP is actually more secure than 7 if you out-rule and uninstall everything MS-based.

if you leave everything up to the kernal alone, I'm not sure if it's working in Vista, but the patches were definately fixed in 7 to allow MS and the gov't (w/o MS's permission, because our gov't don't care about it's people and just want what they want) to spy on every last document and control your compy.

like the XBox One (which apperently MS seems to be shaping up with, but I don't trust it), you are NOT free to do what you want, you are only given the impression.

as for support, XP is NOT incapable of being given ANYTHING.
if an x64 XP isn't enough proof that ANYTHING can be done with it.

sure I may be just a hacker and only know a few minor things about the OS,
but if there's anything I know well, it is that you're as free to do anything as you are with linux.
(to a point XP isn't console-based)

I think Windows users need to start pulling their heads out of their A's and start informing noobs about a proper OS.

that being said, 7/8 is for noobs, but XP is for people who actually want to do anything with their lives.

we also need to yell at programmers who stop supporting XP in favor of DX11's features which are more than capable of being added to XP.

hey people... start learning OpenGL, it's much better and less limited than DirectX, AND is cross-platform.

ggeoff 4 Junior Poster- 72 years old :)

Well TcII I have one Dell workstation running XP Pro x64. Is that any safer than my XP Pro on a Dell 9200? Unistall anything MS! To me MS is the software: Office and a few other programs. I have tended to take for granted the OS.

I also have Win 7 x64 and Vista Business x64 both on Dell workstations. I might just use the Dell XP Pro x64 machine for file storage and use one of the Win 7s for MS Office and research on the web. I still dislike both 7 and vista.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

Well TcII I have one Dell workstation running XP Pro x64. Is that any safer than my XP Pro on a Dell 9200?

I don't believe the tower itself is your security...
it's the OS running on the tower that offers the security.

I don't use MS Office, so I can't really say if there's any related security issues.

I'm not sure if MS made any changes to XP from the transition to x64 other than removing Active Desktop.
(I havn't exactly had my time to "play" with the OS like I had when I used x86)

I might just use the Dell XP Pro x64 machine for file storage and use one of the Win 7s for MS Office and research on the web.

if (strictly) ONLY web, as long as you don't do anything that could hurt you if hacked, you should be safe. :)
(think about what would happen if someone like me, but with an evil mind, figured out how to take control of the kernal's MS-control implementations to reak havok on everyone) D:

for the love of god, do NOT put any personal information on a Win7 compy, or you may as well be telling MS and the gov't, and potentially the world everything about you.

How the F does MS consider this to be more secure!?
erg, it just makes me sick >_<

ggeoff 4 Junior Poster- 72 years old :)

Thanks Tcll

I have taken your earlier advice to get a decent firewall and have installed Comodo -the free edition on the XP machine. I still use AVG Free and also have Webpatrol but sometimes the system grinds to a standstill. With MS Office version 2003 like XP it is no longer supported.

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