Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

Folk that have tried yanking out Win 8 & 8.1 and trying to install Win 7 are apparently having many problems with driver incompatibilities. So even trying to get a later OS than XP on to new machines with Win 8 flavours seems doomed.
Vista was an almighty disaster for Microsoft but fortunately, Win 7 came to the rescue, Win 8 is turning out to be an even bigger nightmare than Vista, and if Windows 9 does not pull Microsoft out of the mire this time, I think that it would be a pretty safe bet on seeing Microsoft declining rapidly in the marketplase of OS's. Let's face it, there is a limit as to how long you remain clever and good at what you can produce to please the masses. I do accept that Apple do a pretty good job at staying ahead of their game, but then again, their technology is not down at the same level as Win 8, is it.

AKsarben 6 Light Poster

@Gerbil, I am with you!. We still use Office 2003 at home. The winery has mostly Office 97 if you can imagine that, and they still work very well for what we are wanting it to do. The Winery "Farm" has Office 2010 running on it for the exchange of data between ourselves and other vendors for use in an Access DB. I am pleased with Office 2003. Wife did not even want Office 10 for her computer at home, She uses Office 2003, which she used to build an Access Database for the Winery/Farm . I installed Office 2010 on a desktop computer for the Winery/Farm running XP Pro. Works superb!! XP simply does everything I want or need it to do!

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

@Gerbil, I am with you!. We still use Office 2003 at home.

I stand corrected, thank you. :)

for me... I'm having a problem with the more-modern things vs XP.
I had to down-rate Metal Slug 3 on Steam for using DX9 but yet not working on WinXP.
(the game was gifted to me by a friend who didn't read the specs)

still, there's just no valid reason for it not to work. 9_9

Reverend Jim 5,070 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

I still use Office 2003. The newer versions all have "the ribbon" which I hate passionately.

Tcll commented: I know that feel +2
rubberman 1,355 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso Featured Poster

I have one personal use program which will not run on Wine on Linux, and for which there is no Linux replacement. That is the ONLY reason why I still keep XP around, but only to run in a virtual machine! All of my other software is Linux or as in the case of my preferred software design tool, can run perfectly on Wine (the company that makes it made a lot of effort to be sure it could). I don't use MS Office except on my work system. At home (and at work) I prefer Libre Office. So, other than the fact that my stock/options trading software from Fidelity cannot run on Linux, I have zip, zero, no reason at all to continue to use XP. That said, I haven't checked to see if Fidelity's latest version of Active Trader Pro runs on Wine... :-) If it does, then goodby XP, and good riddance!

P.S. I even imported a bunch of complex Visio diagrams into Libre Office, and was able to edit and use them without problems! Visio does some weird shit with layers, but I was able to deal with that without too much effort.

JenniferArden 4 Jennifer

I use XP Pro x64 and x86 on my Core2Quad compy with 4GB RAM and Lappy with core i3 and 5GB RAM. XP works superbly. For those like myself who do not like/want the ribbon in Office 2007 and later there is a proggy named "Classic Menu for Office" which restores the previous menu setup as in previous versions of Office. Its not free but well worth buying, for those who are fortunate to live in first world / developed countries it'll be cheap since you have a strong currency. Our office server also works on XP Pro x64 and supplies file sharing, internet sharing, fax server and print sever services over a wireless network on a P4 3GHZ unit. Our desktop and laptop units also work on XP Pro. XP performs flawlessly and does what we need. Very robust resilient versatile OS.

happygeek 2,411 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster

Head meet sand...

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

yknow... this thread inspires me to create another thread...
I think I'll do that now and add the link at the end of this post.

here we are:

tell me your problems :3

dasd 2 Newbie Poster

I'm sticking with XP simply because I highly resent what MS has done with Win 8 and to be honest Win 7 doesn't offer that much to make me upgrade. I did notice more than a few posts where the writer stated there were sites offering apps that could keep XP secure and running after XP drops support. I would appreciate the names of those sites for future reference.

And by the way, my systems are firewalled and protected with NO malware or other issues whatsoever. So I guess I'm one of those 'heels dug in types' who don't have the need to get the so-called latest and greatest from MS. To be honest, the majority of my colleagues all have XP/ Linux machines because they can play with it and bypass the purchase of new hardware/ apps just to be compatible with Win 8. Not a cheap prospect, especially in this economy...

In my humble opinion, Win 8 is not worth the hassle and is fubared in many respects. You would think Redmond would learn a lesson after the Epic fails of Win Me and Vista. And from what my MS friends are saying, I'm better off waiting for MS to come to their senses in the next version (hopefully Win 9??).

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

I'm better off waiting for MS to come to their senses

I already await that day... it won't be Win9, and prbly not even Win10.
until then, software developers will have to bite me as I down-rate them for not supporting XP.
(what good is their software if I can't use it)
^ I may as well be downloading MAC software.

EDIT: if they're willing to add support, then I don't down-rate.

I would appreciate the names of those sites for future reference.

I've tried to offer from my posts... I know I'm one of them.
I want to get more than just Comodo and Avast...

Comodo offers a really large slew of free protection, and Avast is really good for being free, but watch out, my brother got a rootkit that Avast couldn't stop and threw an alert every second about other threats the rootkit was installing.

if you can, see if you can get different free virus suites that can work with each other. :)

even from my start, Comodo FireWall would hang my system because of Avast's online filters.
(it works perfectly now for some reason, and now I have no hang even with the extra filters)

if you want to get some really good protection, use a Comodo browser when browsing the internet.
Comodo has their own DNS aimed at protecting your compy before harmful content even reaches the browser. ;)
NOTE: some websites don't work properly and display incorrectly.
(this currently applies to Dragon as I havn't used IceDragon)

Dragon is based off Chromium, while IceDragon is based off FF
(both are improved for better speed and definately security)

but anyways, with my free recommendations, it's really your choice as to what you'd need to protect your compy.
I'm just trying to find a multitude of free things that cooperate with each other. :)

also, I'm a big-time nut-head about performance, so my recommendations won't bamf your games. ;)

Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

'Down down deeper and down' a pertinent line from my favourites, Status Quo.
No doubt, that may well be the direction MS will be heading in the future IT market. The masses, I also suspect, have had enough of the Redmond Dictatorship and are now ready to move on to greener pastures. The 'Cash Cow' has been milked to death and millions have now ended up with a sour taste in their mouths.
Myself!? Head out of sand now, and I see Apples everywhere, sweet and lovely too. (Now who sang that little ditty?)

AKsarben 6 Light Poster

If I got a laptop with Win 8, I'd copy the drivers onto USB, burn them to CD and then install a new HD and then install my XP Pro into that and use the motherboard drivers I had saved.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

Myself!? Head out of sand now, and I see Apples everywhere, sweet and lovely too.

really, don't go there.
Apple's been screwing people over for as long as I can remember.

at least they're not poisonous as they do have more quality to them than the chaos MS has to offer... heh

if you want anything good, go for something open source.
ReactOS and Linux make decent replacements. ;)
(so I hear anyways)

I myself am considering ReactOS as a fair replacement for XP.
I hear it's 100x more secure than XP, but I'm not trusting it yet...
(I need another compy to experiment with it first)

dasd 2 Newbie Poster


Haven't played with ReactOS, so I'm in the same boat as Tcli. In the meantime, I'll be happy to stay with XP/ Linux!

Btw, I just talked with an MS buddy and he asked if I had upgraded to Win 7, I told him only on a test machine. He advised me to do a total wipe and go back to XP. Why? Because MS plans to implement updates designed to turn Win 7 into what he called 'Win 8 lite' and force the users into a situation where they would have to upgrade to Win 8.

Yes, I know this sounds all conspiratorial but then it would not be the first time MS and others have tried different schemes to control the market. Time will tell on that one.

As for Apple, it's okay. I just like the freedom to do what I want instead of being limited to what they think I should have.

Btw, did anyone ever see that one post about the sites/ apps that would keep XP healthy after support ends? I would like to know the locations/ names of those sites so we could have resources that would ensure XP remains viable until MS provides a better platform.

Hey, I can dream. Can't I? lol

Tcll commented: I had a feeling Apple was trying to control people, but wasn't sure. +2
Member Avatar for Everyauction

Wait and keep kool, Microsoft has already Updates available to bring back common features to the Millions of Users relying on a 'familiar' SCREEN for their Win 8+ Version. And for all the Others, it does NOT really make a Difference, why should I worry about someone else's Problems? Why should I really Care about others, eventually getting a Virus, because I got one from somewhere and I possibly kept on spreading it with my Mails!?

It is compared to buying a new Car, beeing required to change seats and use the Drivers Seat in the back od the Car. I WOULD NOT buy such a Car, regardless how safe it might be, I just would keep on using the old and less saver one.

HUGE Numbers of Employees have been trained hard to get familiar with the WIN2x/XP-Face, many of them do not play at Home with Computers either, they just need them to do the Job. Microsoft forgot those hundreads of Millions by changing the Face of Win8 and so making the system unusable to all those Working Peoples.

I will keep my XP running as long as I can, I have better things to do in my Live than trying to get to know something I used to know well...


Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster

Microsoft has already Updates available to bring back common features to the Millions of Users relying on a 'familiar' SCREEN for their Win 8+ Version

You mean the windows 8 to 8.1 upgrade? And what a farce that was! All they did was put a new button on the lower left corner of the task menu named "Start", and all it does is display the metro window. But not all is lost, you can get a free Windows 7-style Start button.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

it's TCLL btw :P

but yea, I just asked a bunch of Linux-junkies which OS would be right for me, and they recommended Ubuntu as a good switch to Linux.
(I don't like console-based OS's like pure Linux)
^ I prefer a good GUI layout LIKE 7's, but with alot more control.

but I still like my EXE support and don't wanna have to bog down my compy with a VM...

I think I'll be switching to ReactOS, since I like my freedom. :P
(if I ever end up having to switch)

Btw, did anyone ever see that one post about the sites/ apps that would keep XP healthy after support ends? I would like to know the locations/ names of those sites so we could have resources that would ensure XP remains viable until MS provides a better platform.

^ I 2nd this.

Reverend Jim 5,070 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

I hear it's 100x more secure than XP

How would you even measure that? That sounds like a blanket statement made by someone who is just pulling numbers out of his a$$.

Because MS plans to implement updates designed to turn Win 7 into what he called 'Win 8 lite'

That will never happen because Microsoft would face massive lawsuits from millions of corporate users.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

How would you even measure that? That sounds like a blanket statement made by someone who is just pulling numbers out of his a$$.

where does money come into the equation?
ReactOS is free and Open Source...

more than likely it's been modified to be more secure, since it's a complete rewrite of the Win2000 kernal used by XP.

personally, I'm not rating how secure it is though.

Member Avatar for Everyauction

@Ancient Dragon:
Nop, it's a new MS Download, here it is called


it's a 486 MB big File and it brings back Parts of the WIN XP Handling.

Click Here


AffineMesh 0 Newbie Poster

On Microsoft's site: Windows XP Mode...

As of April 8, 2014, technical support for Windows XP and Windows XP Mode are no longer available, including updates that help protect your PC. This means that if you continue to use Windows XP or use Windows XP Mode on a Windows 7 PC after support ends, your PC might become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses. Therefore, to keep your Windows 7 PC secure after April 8, 2014, we recommend that you only use Windows XP Mode if your PC is disconnected from the Internet. Learn more about Windows XP end of support.

Say again?
"...we recommend that you only use Windows XP Mode if your PC is disconnected from the Internet"

Oh, I wonder what that means.

Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

dude... XP Mode is still 7...
it's just under constraints that make it seem like XP...

XP-7 is still worse than XP itself.

Reverend Jim 5,070 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

Kill XP game.

Tcll commented: -(1+(every user who plays this game)) +0
Tcll 66 Posting Whiz in Training Featured Poster

where does money come into the equation?
ReactOS is free and Open Source...

more than likely it's been modified to be more secure, since it's a complete rewrite of the Win2000 kernal used by XP.

personally, I'm not rating how secure it is though.

I'm sorry... did I say Win 2000... I meant Win NT... see here:

Win7 IS an NT architecture, but it's built with more modern features that completely bamf it.
my guess is MS hates the WinNT framework because of how unlimited it is. ^_^
(the only explaination for why they're trying to limit people with the Software Control update for Win7 as well as what they've done to Win8 which can also be found on XB1)

MS already threw their goal on the gaming community... heh
personally, I see nothing good coming out of MS in the future. :P

Reverend Jim 5,070 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

What I would like to see out of Microsoft is some centralized planning. Back in the days of the Amiga, the entire OS was designed from the ground up as a hierarchy of objects. There was little, if any duplication. Every system function was well documented (I think I still have the manuals somewhere) and made publicly available to all. As a result, applications could make use of a robust software architecture.

Microsoft, on the other hand, is run as a collection of "empires". When some functionality was needed, each group (either because of lack of communication or central planning, or the mindset that "we can make a superior module") rolled their own. The result was massive code bloat. The entire Amiga OS (graphical interface, full multitasking, multiprocessing and messaging) fit on one 720K floppy.

And let's not forget the many instances of undocumented system calls that were kept secret (for the most part) to give Microsoft apps that little edge in performance and features.

Tcll commented: so there lies the start of MS shoving their heads up their A's +2
gerbil 216 Industrious Poster

Good points, Jim. Unfortunately, that path is the one that is too easily chosen because there is a mindset that forced integration by modification is easier to achieve than good design.
I've pointed out before that just the cmd module itself appears to have been built by folk who did not communicate - a /parameter must be here, but only a parameter there will work, spaces here but not necessary there, abbreviation in some places but not others and so on; it is time-wasting because it results in you consulting the help listings just about every time you use a cmd. Just to get a decent list of available cmds you must run this cmd and not >help...
%windir%\hh.exe ms-its:%windir%\Help\ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds.htm

Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

Why can't Microsoft have a management team that think like this person?

As a matter of interest, does anyone really know which business model Microsoft uses anyway? No, let's not even go there. Save the Oxygen for something much more worthwhile.

wycliffe53 0 Newbie Poster

the reason being its more human friendly not complicated at all and also has few coputational problematic error doing installing nad running applications,it can run most applications well.

Reverend Jim 5,070 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

Speaking of the commend shell, why is it I still have to use context menus to copy/paste when just about every other app uses CTRL-C and CTRL-V?

sanahwinari 0 Newbie Poster

i use windows XP until now, its terreble if XP will be shut down

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