Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

Hi M6BYN, if you want to improve your specs further, have a squiz here:-

'Graphixanstuff' is a truly amazing site, so many entreprenuers in there!

karurozu 0 Newbie Poster

XP is a new classic, but the some updates in new hardware is not more, they are killing him slowly. Like DirectX 10 is only for W7. I like XP

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

W7 vs XP Easy answer 64 bit operating sysytem which can make the most of all that nice hardware multicore processing and loadsa memory (+4gb). Win Xp64 Nice operating system but little or few drivers, lots of vapourware drivers. Watch out though, plently of people will sell you W7 32Bit (or starter Duh!) which will run everything software you have, almost (main stream stuff) but why buy an operating system which multitasks by fast switching rather than one which goes for it ie W7 64. The drivers are being written because it will happen 64bit operating system Blah Blah as above. There are ways around supporting older printers scanners and so on inc using a virtaul XP machine if you have to have it.
Yes Xp will slowly die, so did DOS2 DOS3 DOS 4 DOS 5 DOS 6 DOS 6.2 WindowsV2 V3 V3.11 Windows for Workgroups, NTV4, Win95 Win 98 WinMe Win 2000 WinNT Win Xp Win XP 64 Vista (Range) or, yes and CP/M.
Time to move on! Yes I do wish MS would spend a little more time with one operating system before leaping into the next. I might have made my life a little simpler.......

m610 0 Light Poster

It's 32-bit. I have some expensive applications that will not run on 64-bit systems.

Also, the industrial controls folks (automated plant operations) paniced when Microsoft talked about eliminating XP and forcing everyone to move to 64-bit OS's. They said that for them that would be equivalent to another Y2K.

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

Well I scribbled down my thoughts a week ago! 62
New world now 64 bit Operating systems to take full advantage of fast 64 bit capable hardware. The drivers are there, the software is there, why use a 32 O/s if you must then use a virtual machine and install to your hearts content. I started with CP/m DOS2,3,4,5,6,6.2 Windows2,3,3.11, Workgroups NTV4, Windows 2000, Win 95, Win 98, Win Me (haha) Win Xp, Vista (ugh!) Win7 Win 2000 server Win 2003 Server, Exchange Server. Mutilple processors on one board. If you must use WIn XP OK but life is moving on, Also handle MAC o/s seen the GEM desktop. Stop yelling Dino Dino Dino!

MidiMagic 579 Nearly a Senior Poster

Another Y2K coming is IPv6.

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster
Update for all the 32bit people/Operating systems
I provide solutions,  its my job!

Try Oracle VM Virtual box.  You can have your own preferred operating system floating around in its own world just like the ‘Lost world of the dinosaurs’. 

I have just installed this on Wind 7 basic to allow a Stainless steel kitchen company’ engineer to use a XP pro O/s connected to a USB to Serial cable EPROM controller to update the controller board of a large cooking vessel.  I will update you if it worked OK.

VirtualBox  platform packages. The binaries are released under the terms of the GPL version 2.
        VirtualBox 4.2 for Windows hosts  x86/amd64
        VirtualBox 4.2.1 for OS X hosts  x86/amd64
        Note: The Mac OS X 10.8.2 release includes some incompatible changes which require adaptions in VirtualBox. Therefore the original 4.2 build was replaced by a 4.2.1 build.
        VirtualBox 4.2 for Linux hosts
        VirtualBox 4.2 for Solaris hosts  x86/amd64 
VirtualBox 4.2 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack All platforms
    Support for USB 2.0 devices, VirtualBox RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards. See this chapter from the User Manual for an introduction to this Extension Pack. The Extension Pack binaries are released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL).
    Please install the extension pack with the same version as your installed version of VirtualBox

VirtualBox 4.2 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack All platforms
    Support for USB 2.0 devices, VirtualBox RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards. See this chapter from the User Manual for an introduction to this Extension Pack. The Extension Pack binaries are released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL).
    Please install the extension pack with the same version as your installed version of VirtualBox


Or Try 
Microspodge’s Sorry  Microsoft’s offering if you have Win 7 Pro the Virtual XP machine, well it only will work on Win 7 Pro you can try other versions
Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

Bigger>better>faster>and more and more data until you reach data overload> IPv6 is just another step in that direction. My son is in the new world of Robotics. The question is are we going to allow this to happen? Why? AI, artifical limbs, artifical senses = artifical men/women = end of humanity. Maybe we should fight tooth and nail to stop XP dying out before we do.
Be careful what you ask for. you never know who, or what, or which God may be listening. Iam just trying to up my post rate (haha)

kanga85 1 Newbie Poster

WinXP runs 16 and 32 bit programs. Most of my extremely-valuable old programs, and the data banks associated with them, were written in GWBasic which will not run on Win7. Win7 does not have the drivers for some of my old printers, requiring the expense of buying new ones. If I compile my GWbasic programs with Quick64, the printer code will not opperate in Win7. Long live XP!

bfdman 0 Newbie Poster

XP has many more options when you need to recover from a catastrophic failure. I can do so many more things with an unbootable version of XP than Vista or 7. What retard at Micro$oft decided it would be a good idea if you could only attempt a repair install with Vista if your Vista os was bootable and working. A repair install is one of the simpler ways to deal with some xp problems. I have a myriad things I can do, ranging from very simple to ridiculously complex, with any version of XP that is misbehaving, especially when it will not boot in ANY mode. I can, and have dealt successfully with Vista and 7 problems but becasue so little thought was put into recovery from failure in both, it often requires twice the time and effort required to successfully deal with than any version of XP.

And to happygeek, I have worked with every single version of Microsoft OS that has ever been released. I can tell you from long hard experience that so called supported versions of their products are barely more secure than unsupported ones. At the present time I prefer an unsupported os (XP) over Vista or Win 7 because many of the problems that XP was released with have been dealt with and while yes, there maybe more, and ther will be no solutions because of no support, Vista and especially Win 7 are far from having reached a similar level of stability.

I only wish I could sell incomplete boats with rotting leaking hulls, rusting and cantankerous engines and have people buy them like they're going out of style. Then once a month I could send them patches to plug the leaks in the hulls and instructions on how to deal with the rusting and cantankerous engines. I'd be in jail in less than a year. Billy is a smart bugger.

Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

As 'MidiMagic' suggested earlier on in this thread:-

"We need laws protecting consumers from the upgrade scam.

The law should state that either the computer or software manufacturer provides service and support for its products for 20 years (like the parts law for automobiles) or the patents and copyrights on the abandoned products go to public domain the moment they stop providing service and support.

I personally, still don't understand why Microsoft changed Microsoft XP Service Pack 6, to a silly name like Windows 7. After all, Mac OS X is not the same 'beast' now, as it was back in
But then Apple marketing is somewhat different to that of Microsoft, which probably explains their amazing rise to fame and fortune in this decade too.

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

Here you are again

try this list of nice things

Open Source.
FREE Software.
64-bit Guests.
Full Virtualization.
Linux, Windows, Mac, DOS, Novell, Solaris Guests.
Cross-Platform Host Support.
Guest SMP Support up to 32 vCPUs.
USB Support.
Full ACPI Support.
Dynamic Screen Resolutions.
iSCSI Storage Support.
PXE Network Booting.
Snapshot Support.
Remote Machine Display.
Extensible RDP Authentication.
USB over RDP.
Guest and Host Shared Folders.
Guest Additions ( Think VMware Tools).
Command Line Capability.
OVF Support.
VM Import/Export.
Thick and Thin Provisioning.
Wizard-driven VM Creation.
Easy to Install and Operate.
VirtualBox is a Type 2 hypervisor. That is to say that it is virtualization host software that runs as an application on an established operating system. Alternatively, a Type 1 hypervisor is host software that runs on what's now known as "bare metal," a term that means onto a computer without an operating system. Type 1 hypervisors examples are Hyper-V, ESX/ESXi, Xen, XenServer, KVM and OpenVZ

It might just do what you want it to do.

Who wanted Vista? who still tries to use it? Where is the discussion about Win8.

Why isn't this called why does 8,12,16 bit programming refuse to die. It would be better to move on and find a way around it. Rather than sitting around complaining about it.

Microsoft keep on copying n' pasting bugware for us to fix, I have a job fixing it for as long as they keep dishing it out, but there are solutions here is one FREE (Yes FREE) one which might work for you back to DOS! didn't say CP/M but who cares about that or do you want Locoscript on CP/M?
What are you going to do when MS tear down their Authentication servers? or is it going to be images reimages etc. You could make them an offer to run the Authentication for them inc the doubtful sounding female voice (probalbly a UK thing only?)

tabacon 0 Newbie Poster

"I Can't Quit You, Baby, so I'm gonna put you down for awhile" LZ :)

philip.a.tory 0 Newbie Poster

Why do I still use XP? Because as a power user, I have about 100 applications on my PC. I would have to spend several hundred pounds on new software - probably over £1,000 - then spend a couple of days installing it and entering my setups, then spend time to learn how to use it. Time is money: I have a business to run.

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

Carry on using it. see the above previous posts by me. That is a away out. And at least if you had a clean active image of a new machine, or as the notes suggest image what you have, and try that, makes it more bullet proof as well if it falls over load a previous image and off you go again. They wil stop writing Viruses etc so it should make life better.

Sahil89 0 Newbie Poster

@happygeek :D I saw this 2 year old post and thought that it is recent post and started checking for the poll on
After searching for some time I checked date and came to know that it is 2 year old post. For others who might search for same poll it is currently that poll is on page number 22. :D

Can you start same poll on Daniweb?

zeroliken 79 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso

Well after a few test runs with Windows 8,I felt like I miss XP's simplicity.

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

Try This This new version of Windows is going to be a disaster, pundits say. It will be completely rejected by businesses, who will stick with old versions even after Microsoft drops support for them.

And its new interface is so hideous and unusable that customers who are forced to use it will trip over themselves finding ways to restore the old Start menu.

I am, of course, talking about Windows XP, which was released 11 years ago this week. It lived down to all those insults and dire predictions for years before it finally and implausibly became a success.

If you’re a lazy pundit and haven’t written your Windows 8 wrap-ups yet, feel free to use these decade-old stories, just substituting 8 for XP.

Reverend Jim 5,162 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster

I prefer to think of Windows 8 as the new Vista. My place of business (>5000 employees) was very quick to adopt Windows XP. For an intelligent rebuttal of the linked article see Dear Ed Bott: No, Windows 8 is not the new XP

Palebushman 8 Bush IT Poster

Interesting article Wil O'Wisp.
Transition from 'Established' to the 'Unkown' is a process that the Microsoft masses always seem shy to perform. My feeling is that 'Suspicion' and 'Trust' may have a major part in the final decision making process. The previous marketing stratagies of Microsoft, had an uncanny nack for generating suspicion in the past, for example, not all 'Updates' were technical fixes. So the slow uptake of their new products should come as no surprise to anyone.
My love for XP Pro is because it has become like wine and cheese, it has matured deliciously with age, by the hands that know how to do that to IT.

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

Totally agree with that, primarliy due to the complete and total screw up new operating systems that have been vaunted as the new cure all for the existing stable (ized) O/s. New improved, if you can remeber 'a internal error has occured press esc to cancel and return to windows (hahaha!) press enter to close the application that is not responding (even more hahaha!) etc ending restart the computer.
We have the technology! at least these statements are more true. , it took 20 years to get there. The Microsoft Empire with all its dark side is will be shortly appearing revamped by Diseny (even more clowns? You ain't going to stop it, so follow the three rules for life with Microsoft
1) Live with it (Move on to later versions)
2) Change it (Find away of using long after support has gone) see previous.
3) Get out of it (Use Unix in its various forms {for Apple users that includes your o/s)

RobertHDD commented: Windows XP is better than any op out there so you are just a dumbfounded idiot +0
corlando52 0 Newbie Poster

Let's face it...Vista sucked, and XP users were smart not to convert. Another problem is Microsoft's greed in selling their new OS's for such a high price. MS should take a lesson from Apple and sell their upgrades for $35. Then more users would upgrade. I wouldn't mind getting Windows 7 or even 8 now, but can't afford it, so I'm sticking with XP.

caperjack 875 I hate 20 Questions Team Colleague

for a limited time if you recently bought win7, you have until feb 2013 to get win8 upgrade for $14.99
full win8 for $99.00

win8 pricing .

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

I know the problem, the problem is MicoDisasters Yes in the form of Win98 B4 98b second ed, Millennium, XP B4 SP2, Vista, Yes XP is a nice stable operating system we all love and can get around over and under. Most of the MS offering are like the joke about the redesigning the car the one that starts with the car you love drive and well, and ends with the one with engine on the roof and all four wheels at right angles to each other the one you can't drive. But XP will die (almost like Win 98) there will be small numbers of people in the universe hanging on, all because the one app they like runs on it, once year, at Christmas, with the family gathered around to witness the event? Mac? what a load of twaddle, It never crashes, it never goes wrong, everything works first time, it always the same, no matter what version, myths etc myth etc been there fixed that. Microsoft run more by lawyers, accountants, they will employ opticians shortly to adjust and rectify the shortsitedness of rapid release O/s They tried it before and got shotdown so they will do it again and guess what! more flames more burning. Win8 could be that next one?

Orbit 2 Newbie Poster

I still use XP Pro SP3 as my main OS.
I still drive an '82 Honda Civic that gets 40+ mpg.
If it ain't broke, why would I buy a new one... simply to support a never ending cycle of planned obsolescence to make the money wheel go around ?

RobertHDD commented: lol thats great that you use windows XP Pro very good +2
philip.a.tory 0 Newbie Poster

I made the transition from XP to Windows 7, and had to work out the simplest mode to run it in. It seems so much more complicated than ever. The "old" XP search (and the Google Desktop search) was far quicker and easier to use than the Windows 7 search facility.
If you want something else to wind you up, it seems that in Windows 8, the Start button has been removed. Great. (How stupid can you get?) Anyway, you can buy an add-on from that brings it back, for about $5.

JenniferArden 4 Jennifer

Well said Orbit! I upgraded from XP SP3 x86 to XP SP2 x64 a few months ago and its just great. My colleague has a '89 Honda CRX 1600 ZC, busy revamping it and its an awesome car, just like XP is an awesome operating system. Newer is not always better. Some things are just tried, tested and proven.

caperjack 875 I hate 20 Questions Team Colleague

I been using a computer since 1996,it was win 3.11.I have upgrade to every windows since ,excpt ME and Vista and I never worried about how well one of them did search ,I rarely need to search for files ,I usually know where my files are ,i upgrade because it was always free for me to do so .
the start button is gone in win8 ,but only the button,win8 boots to the start screen now .i know it was/is built for touch screen ,i just hit the desktop icon to get out of start ,or i have a shortcut in startup to go to windows explorer .

as for my car ,its a 2004,and i will need to get another in a year or so [spending too much on parts under the car because of salt used on the roads in winter ] ,i live in Salt air ,Atlantic Canada ,and not many 82 Honda Civic's around here ,

caperjack 875 I hate 20 Questions Team Colleague
security is getting better with win8,below is copy past from this link


What is Trusted Boot in Windows 8?

Trusted Boot is a feature that secures the entire boot process on the computer and prevents malware from hiding and taking permanent residence on it. Trusted Boot can secure the boot process by ensuring that all Windows components that are loaded during boot have not been tampered with. Trusted Boot ensures that anti-malware software loads before any third-party device drivers and applications. This prevents malware from inserting itself in front of the anti-malware engine at which point it can compromise the anti-malware engine's ability to protect the system. In the event where malware was able to successfully compromise boot process, Trusted Boot will attempt to automatically remediate the issue. For more information, see Reengineering the Windows boot experience.

What is the difference between Trusted Boot and Secure Boot?

Trusted Boot is a Windows 8 feature that can protect the Windows boot process anti-malware solution from malware tampering (i.e., if it is properly designed and ELAM-compliant). It specifically prevents Boot Kit infections which inject themselves within the Windows boot process. Trusted Boot is able to best to protect the system, boot process, and anti-malware solution on Windows 8 certified devices, which include UEFI 2.3.1 hardware that enables the secure start-up of an operating system. This feature is called "Secure Boot." Secure Boot is specifically designed to prevent the start-up of "Root Kit" infections which inject themselves before the Windows boot process. Trusted Boot does not require a Windows 8 certified device or a device that includes UEFI 2.3.1. Secure Boot requires either a Windows 8 certified device or a device that includes UEFI 2.3.1. Trusted Boot offers the best end-to-end protection when it's coupled with the Secure Boot capabilities. For more information, see Reengineering the Windows boot experience.

What is Measured Boot?

Measured Boot is a feature that complements Trusted Boot. While Trusted Boot can protect the boot process, Windows components, and anti-malware software, providing a high level of assurance, only an external trusted third-party can verify the integrity of the system. Measured Boot takes measurements of each aspect of the boot process and then signs and securely stores the measurements in a TPM. Upon request, these measurements can be sent to a trusted third-party known as a Remote Attestation service that can compare the measurements with known good values. From here, it can attest that the boot process is secure and that the anti-malware software is properly functioning. The Remote Attestation service can also issue a secured Device Claim to the client which can then be used for access control scenarios (e.g., grant network or file access if the client's Device Claim indicates that it is secure). For more information, see Reengineering the Windows boot experience.

On computers without UEFI or TPM, what security features will not be available?

Without UEFI, Secure Boot will not be available. Early Launch Anti-Malware and Attestation are still possible without UEFI. If a TPM is not present, then neither Measured Boot nor Attestation of boot measurements will be possible. BitLocker is available without a TPM, but it will not be as secure. To learn more about BitLocker, see the BitLocker Overview.

Does Secure Boot prevent me from dual-booting or running other operating systems on my PC?

No. UEFI's Secure Boot feature prevents the computer from starting unsigned and unauthorized operating systems. This can prevent certain types of malware (e.g., Boot Kits) from starting on your computer. If you want to single- or dual-boot a Windows 8 certified PC with an operating system that does not support Secure Boot (e.g., Windows 7 or Linux), you can disable Secure Boot. For more information about UEFI and its Secure Boot feature, see Protecting the pre-OS environment with UEFI.

Wil 0' Wisp 2 Newbie Poster

Yes I drive and old car, and worse I have used DOS 2 and before that CP/M DRDOS and so on this England, by the way. Like every one else I don't like changes I don't like the sound of Win8. I have been waiting for MS to get out of 32bit O/s to be able to use all this nice fast hardware. Keep the old PC Keep XP something will go twang and break in the hardware and then what? hint see previous posts. Or are you using WIn XP 64? Anyway being as old as I am it good to face the challenges presented by greedy overreaching companies (Apple included)keeps me young and good looking ;-)

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