Thought time ripe (cheap) to get a 17" laptop, burn dvd's, maybe even partition hard drive. Even bought a Toshiba, grabbed some of my software, and...... What? Nothing would install because it wasn't Vista (got the software just before it's release). Calls to Toshiba, MicroSoft and 2 Geek guys (took Irritating on hold recording quote, "We know your time is valuable and will get to you as soon as we can.......". I'm starting to get an ear for the Phillipino accent but the computer went back for a refund.

Now I can't find anyone who will sell me a laptop uninfected with Vista. I just can't scrape up 10 grand to replace my software for the "priviledge" of using Vista. I'm told not to buy a computer with Vista on it if I intend to use XP. Exactly why seems to vary.

With AutoCad I could use the larger screen. Other software is specialized (not custom) per client. Even the Norton anti-virus I got last year is not Vista software. All retailers I have visited, called, or emailed have said everything is pre-infected with Vista. If that isn't bad enough then manufacturers tell me that they sell only to retailers. The retailers (always part of a chain) says "corporate" has nothing in place to order computers they consider to be custom.

I can still work on my old laptop to bring home the chow but Vista is becoming what could be described as a real "restraint of trade". I found XP for sale at various sites but always like to "check the package" before I buy because right now I just have XP on restore disks.

Any ideas? I don't want to spend all of my time solving Gates' blunder. I doubt whether the Service Pack for Vista due in early 2008 will correct its inability to run legacy software. Boy, just thinking about the unbilled hours I've spent on this makes me fume. Thor

I orderd my laptop from Dell and specified by telephone that I wanted XP loaded not Vista. I hope that they still do this.

I got a quote from Dell after also calling but two things gave me pause. The price seemed high when compared to 1st tier manufacturers and the rep was unsure if XP was possible. Result--No Sale. Let me know the results. Thor

Unbelievable that the rep wasn't sure.

I'm looking at the UK website and Hughv has quoted from a North American Dell website - so I'm absolutely certain that XP is available on Dell PCs.

As to first tier, Dell is there. A good tip for you is to search the forum (Dead Machine section) and tally which first tier brands are most often dead. I know one company you'll avoid like the plague!

Just bought (10 days ago) a low-end Lenovo with XP Pro from Laptops Direct. Now that probably isn't any use to you if you live outside of the UK, but it does show that it is possible.

dell, hp and lenovo ship with xp as an option.

i contacted dell to get a quote with XP and they were not kind enough. Atlast got vaio FZ with vista business.

Yes, Dell will do it, if you like Dell, not :o(. There are brand new laptops on the Internet and Ebay with XP on them.

I forgot to mention, many of the newer Toshiba laptops that have come out have manufacturer defects. Toshiba USA does little to rectify their problems if warranty is past, unlike in years past.

Dell is still allowing for XP to be installed as an option for now, though I'm sure Microsoft is trying everything they can think of to stop it. Just keep in mind that NOT ALL models will allow it. For instance, the 17" small-business class Vostro model doesn't have that option, even though the smaller ones do. Go figure.

Admittedly, this is the US site I'm referring to...can't speak for the rest.

I wouldn't bother talking to anyone on the phone. Order it through the online custom process. That way, you won't get some idiot in sales who doesn't know XP from OS2. Who knows...maybe they get a commission for getting you to take Vista instead. I have no idea.

I'm not a huge Dell fan, but they are one of the ones trying hard to keep XP a viable option. For now, anyway.

Another option might be to find a good discontinued model. I bought my old Emachines laptop that way almost 5 years ago. It was perfect for me, it had just been discontinued recently, but had everything I wanted and continues to work great. I'm sure there's XP systems out there just like that waiting for you. Just remember that the manufacturers aren't going to sell you those. You'll have to deal with an online retailer. Just research the company a little before you buy, but it worked for me.

I hope this helps.

Just checked HP's site for laptops and all had Vista so I called. Advised HP ships ONLY computers with operating systems and that OS is Vista.

Just spoke to a Dell rep and I was informed that XP is available (after a lot of time convincing him I do NOT want Vista on my laptop - got my desktop with Vista). This ofcourse, is Dell India. I checked the US site and they do have XP available. Try calling up Dell Tech Support and ask the tech agent to tell the sales guy that you WANT XP.

tech guys do NOT talk to sales. they are there for break-fix issues only.

Trust me, in Dell, they can. I should know, I've done it numerous times.

because they are actually trying to be customer friendly there, unlike most companies who would at best give you the phone number for sales

trust me, I know exactly how it works. and you have to understand that the techs are being helpful even on issues that do not concern them not because you are entitled to that, but because it is company policy towards customers - to help as much as they can

because they are actually trying to be customer friendly there, unlike most companies who would at best give you the phone number for sales

trust me, I know exactly how it works. and you have to understand that the techs are being helpful even on issues that do not concern them not because you are entitled to that, but because it is company policy towards customers - to help as much as they can

Do you work for Dell? He he....

do I? hm... I do not work for Dell desktop or laptop support

do I? hm... I do not work for Dell desktop or laptop support

Dell sales then? He he ....

nope. and let's leave it at that

Well, you should read what you wrote! It was well worth the larf. He he .....

well, I was stating facts, whether you believe them or not :) you sure do justify your nickname :P

well, I was stating facts, whether you believe them or not :) you sure do justify your nickname :P

Good one!

because they are actually trying to be customer friendly there, unlike most companies who would at best give you the phone number for sales

trust me, I know exactly how it works. and you have to understand that the techs are being helpful even on issues that do not concern them not because you are entitled to that, but because it is company policy towards customers - to help as much as they can

Agreed. But it really doesn't matter if the dude there is doing so because he is helpful or because it's policy, as long as he can get you what you want

thing is he might just as well give you the number for sales, or tell you to call sales and hang up, and be in his right. it's all about setting the correct expectations, and you obviously have the wrong ones right now

thing is he might just as well give you the number for sales, or tell you to call sales and hang up, and be in his right. it's all about setting the correct expectations, and you obviously have the wrong ones right now

I think this Dell thing has narked you. Go back to the gushing stuff you were saying about Dell. Just read it again; you can hardly be surprised if you get ribbed for it.

If you don't work for Dell now, did you before?

Anyway, you CAN get Windows XP from Dell - for example:

Dell or not, this is a general thing in supporting any kind of hardware, software or users - whenever you go beyond your duties and help people out, they will take it for granted and get upset if they don't get it every time. so setting expectations is very important no matter where you work.
If you work in helpdesk and once help a user by sitting with him explaining how to do macros in msword, instead of appreciating it, he will demand it of you the next time he needs it done.

Dell or not, this is a general thing in ....

You're changing your tune now. What started this exchange was the post that contained this extract: trust me, I know exactly how it works. and you have to understand that the techs are being helpful even on issues that do not concern them not because you are entitled to that, but because it is company policy towards customers.

Trust you; you know exactly how it works. It's company policy - whose? Everybody's (because it's a general thing), or Dell's because we have to trust you?

just for you, mate - DON'T trust me :) I won't mind

just for you, mate - DON'T trust me :) I won't mind

Yeah - but everybody's been asked to trust you and now you're being called as to why we should trust you on this one issue when you've changed your tune since requesting that trust.

See what I mean?

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