Is there software available that will get my comp to recognise is sound driver so that my sound will work again

use the drivers kit that came with your computer. if you dont have the drivers kit installiton CD or this dont work check your computer model e.g compaq evo 550, then go to website type,move to software and drives category download ,this is where you will type the model for the website to search for drives. incase of any problem sms or call +254720572202

use the drivers kit that came with your computer. if you dont have the drivers kit installiton CD or this dont work check your computer model e.g compaq evo 550, then go to website type,move to software and drives category download ,this is where you will type the model for the website to search for drives. incase of any problem sms or call +254720572202

Just in case it's not clear from nesquick's reply: Place the "drivers CD" into your cd reader.
Then, reboot up your computer. That should automatically open up the program that will lead you to the various drivers needed for your system's proper running--including the sound system which is probably situated on the motherboard.

Also check the sound mixer. The slider for that feature might be all the way down.

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