Dear members,
Please help me in regarding my problem. I am very much confused on whom to blame for the problem........MSSQL? or .NET ? or Win server?
I have a dedicated server with 2GB RAM, SQL 2005, 150GB bandwidth, 160 GB disk space etc.,
I have created a .net application that fetches data from different servers using their XML feed (wether report, stock data, etc.,). I programmed it in such a way that it gets the data using XML and stores it in a DB table. From there my website gets the data and displays it.
Now when I try to install the application on my server, the CPU usage is peaking to 100%. The task manager shows that SQL is the main cause.
I tried installing the application on my local system and connected to the dedicated server DB and the server work fine (CPU 2%). I installed the application on the dedicated server and connected it to my other SQL DB that on other server and even then it worked fine (CPU 3%).
The problem arises when I install the application on the same server where the SQL DB is.
Can anyone help me please.............I dont know what to do. I am totally confused.
Thanking you in advance,
Warm regards,