One of the problems I've run nto w/ Firefox is that it doeasn't have a "Save Target As" option. It has a similar option but IE's Save Target As downloads content w/ .mp3 extensions, Firefox only seems to be able to use php. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

If this got posted in the wrong area, I apologize. It took about 20 minutes to find a way to start a new thread and there doesn't seem too be anyway to "post a question" any longer.

It seems like Daniweb has become a higher end tech user site.

I'm not using Firefox right now, but I believe it has a 'save link as...' option in the contextual menu that results from right-clicking on a link.

[edit] I've moved this thread to the Web Browsers forum so it's more relevant.

In Firefox the save link as... is the same as save target as... in IE. Firefox simple let you know you are saving a LINK while IE is not specific. the Save as extension is dependent on what language/code is used to create the web page or link.

By the way IE 7 will save any link to .HTM while Firefox will save in the code that the link /page was written

"Save as" allows you to change the name of a file, but changing the extension won't have any effect except to confuse the issue. i.e., saving "Yesterday.htm" as "Yesterday.mp3" won't allow you to play it.
My guess is you haven't found an actual mp3 download.
Try this one, which works in FF for me(Save link as):
Starting a new thread seems easy enough to me. Do you not see the "Start new thread" graphic at the top of the thread list?

The do not seem to be quite the same. With "Save Link as" it save .mp3 files I'm trying to download as "pa*.*file" with IE they are save as .mp3 files. This means I can play/transfer/synxc files that I've dl' ed after I "Save Target As..ed" but not after "Save Linked As", any further explication would be helpful. Thanks

any file that you down load WILL automatically bring up the extension that is associated with the file,,,Example if you down load a ***.zip file the file of type box will have the .zip extension. same applies for any file you download.

Please a bit more specific as to what you want to do.......

I don't understand.

What you have to do is NOT choose the "do this with all files of this type" checkbox when you download a file. Then it asks you what to do with the file.

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