
I have windows Vista. I have a laptop and access the internet wirless. I seem to run into a problem where windows explorer freezes and stops responding. I check for known problems for microsoft to fix and there just is nothing... I have never had it with XP.. Maybe that has nothing to do with it...

Hi, how much of RAM do you have?
Also, do you have any malware related problems?

hi, sori about that. first check your memory,because vista is quite so heavy due to the graphics it has.

Run your anti-virus and an anti-spyware like Spybot, to check for malware infections.
Clear Cache. Or else run your Junk Cleaner or CCleaner.
In IE 7, click Tools > Internet options > Security > Reset all zones to Default level
If still you find your IE7 giving problems, close it and run IE (No Add-ons)
This opens up the browser without loading any add-ons, toolbars or plug-ins.
Also see if Internet Explorer 7 Freezes Or Crashes Frequently In Windows Vista helps.

I have a similar problem with internet explorer for vista. If I have more than one window open and I try to close one, it shuts me completely out of explorer. Another problem I am having is everytime that I close internet explorer I get a message that says it has stopped responding. My wife is having the same issues with vista on her computer also.


I have windows Vista. I have a laptop and access the internet wirless. I seem to run into a problem where windows explorer freezes and stops responding. I check for known problems for microsoft to fix and there just is nothing... I have never had it with XP.. Maybe that has nothing to do with it...

Hey 4fivers,

Google "Firefox" and download that...if you don't have any further problems, just use Firefox or something else as your browser. IE has internal security issues.


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