I have several questions on antivirus and antispyware software:

I am trying to settle on a set of antivirus and antispyware products to use. The problem is that I get interactions.

1. Is windows Defender any good? Does it handle spyware as well as viruses?

2. Is there any way to prevent Symantec Anti Virus from reporting a caboodle of tamper errors every time I run Ad Aware?

3. How do you tell Windows Defender to ignore certain files. The help files are extremely vague, and I want it to leave the file alone, instead of scanning it.

Id like to see replies on this one, interesting

i say you should use AhnLab V3 Internet Security 2007 Platinum it's for both spyare/virus'/and antihack but the program spyware doctor is better for spyware so you should download both (ahnlab is not free)

I need advice on these programs, not suggestions on other programs. And I do not want ANY pay programs.

Midi, WD dows not get great reviews for detection/removal efficiency. As for the S problem.... get something better? I used to use AVG but the new, combined AVG8 I did not much like, so I switched to Avast. It is a combined AV, AS, has an ignore list. I don't use AdAware any more. Avast and Spybot do it for me.

thanks gerbil just wanted to know from the the rated guys what they prefer.
one more thing I got avast 4.8,is there a prefered website for spybot and your prefered version
[sosrry for the invation]
Thanks Gerbil

No intrusion at all.... Spybot 1.6 is the latest version, just go to the homepage...
and dl from a mirror close to yourself. When you install consider carefully the options for the types of protection you want from it. But you can change your options later from the menus.
How can you not trust your sys to software from a bloke who, in the licence agreement, dedicates the app to the most wonderful girl in the world..?

commented: Thanks buddy +2

Thanks gerbil

Spybot trashed the operating systems on many of our computers. The administrators recently banned it.

I do not want to know "better" antivirus programs, because I have neither purchase authority nor the choice of what programs are allowed on our computers. An administrator determines that, because many antimalware programs mess with his custom administration software.

I need to know what to use among the allowed programs. We can use:

Windows Defender
Symantec Antivirus
Ad Aware

Ah, gotcha.. sorry, then, I cannot help.

I benefited Out of this though.

Still looking......

Spybot trashed the operating systems on many of our computers. The administrators recently banned it.

I do not want to know "better" antivirus programs, because I have neither purchase authority nor the choice of what programs are allowed on our computers. An administrator determines that, because many antimalware programs mess with his custom administration software.

I need to know what to use among the allowed programs. We can use:

Windows Defender
Symantec Antivirus
Ad Aware

I do not want to seen picky and I may be wrong, but you come across to me as a very arrogant, pig-headed, egotistical, narcissistic person. You come to a free site and ask a question of people here that just want to help others and because you don’t get the exact answer you want, you get uptight.
On reading your replies, I felt very bad for the people who had tried to assist you; but you could not even thank them.
If you want to treat others like you have here, go to a site where you have to pay for the information and abuse them.

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