Ok, I read an article on here by tcepser ........... seems he had similar problem/concern. Well, you know how Windows XP icons on the desktop have white transparent letters w/ no ugly border around them? well, mine got changed some how and was wondeirng if there is a way to change the icons on the desktop with ugly blue borders around the letters back to the Windows XP white transparent icons! Thanks.

Go to Control Panel>System then click the Advanced tab. Under the "Preformance" heading click settings. Check "Use drop shadows for icon labels on desktop" and then hit apply.

Right click on your desktop. Click on "Arrange Icons By" and make sure "Lock Web Items on Desktop" is disabled. When it is enabled, you get the blue border.

Thank you so much you guys. Both of these meathods worked. Thanks again!

I liked the transparent background behind the text so much I added that feature to my copy of 98se...

It makes for a much cleaner desktop...

Glad you got your problem fixed...

I'm very thankful ;) Almost bursting into tears.. of happiness.

I liked the transparent background behind the text so much I added that feature to my copy of 98se...

It makes for a much cleaner desktop...

Glad you got your problem fixed...

you added that to 98? can you add it to w2k? if so how


When I added a website link to a download on my desktop, I think it turned on my active desktop. What happened was my icons had an ugly blue box around their labels. That will not go away no matter what. I do not have the option Desktop when I right-click my desktop and go to properties. I do not have that option so I cannot check the box where it says lock internet web pages. I have even tried going to control Panel, Performance, adjust visual effects and then use drop shadows for icon labels on your desktop. I tried checking and unchecking this box, but nothing has happened. I cannot get rid of those ugly boxes on the labels of my icons. They didn't use to be like that, my brother is going to kill me if no one helps, you have no idea how many webpages I have been to in the last 6 hours seeking for help. He's goin to come soon, and I will die soon. If you or anybody helps me, I will not be able to stress the level of my greatness... Thank you...

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