Please help some one :( I'm desperate (sad but true).
I used to have (until yesterday) a 22" widescreen (1680x1050)monitor connected to my comp (A64 3200+, WinXP SP3, nVidia 7800GT, 2GB Ram, 2x250GB Raid 1 h/d).
Then last night it broke, went off, died the death. So I connected my spare 15" TFT (1024x768) and now I can only see when I start in safe mode. How do I force Windows XP to start in a different resolutiuon? I've tried changing it from the display properties panel but it only changes it for safe mode. When I boot normally the screen just goes off (power saving) after the loading logo screen. Obviously my little screen can't handle big resolution but I can't get it to change and stay changed.
In safe mode there's no graphics or screen info, only 'default' so none of the nvidia controls are usable and it doesn't auto detect on boot (if it did that would do because it'd change then).
Any clever folks out there can help me, pretty please :) I'm getting desperate now, just got Far Cry 2 for crimbo and can't play it.