when I try to run media player I get an error message. There is an internal problem with media player?? Worked yesterday...ran adaware and spybot still not working. XPpro.

re-install wmp there is probably a file that got corrupted and then deleted by anti-virus or something

re-install wmp there is probably a file that got corrupted and then deleted by anti-virus or something

OK, so I take the start up disk? Then can I just reload specific files?

no just download windows media player 10 from microsoft.com the download should install wmp and any components needed to use it. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/mp10/default.aspx

if reinstalling it doesnt work see if you can use the system restore to go back to a date when it did work.

I downloaded 10 and when it finished loading I got same error message. Thank you so far, any other ideas...

get another media player
try a system restore if this is a recent problem then you probably have a date that you can restore to.

get another media player
try a system restore if this is a recent problem then you probably have a date that you can restore to.

I am a tard when it comes to this stuff. by get a new media player, do you mean download something like Real player?

How do I do a system restore?


goto start-->all programs-->accesories-->system tools-->System restore.
this process might be different if you are using an earlier version of windows and not windows xp. and yes i did mean get another media player but not real player you need something that can play anything.

Thanks, went to the site, and ran msmedia, everything plays in that way, tried WMP 10 download again, still get the same message internal error...

If mplayer2 worked fine, then you've got some codec issues. What have you installed recently? Any Windows Updates?

What about System Restore? Tried that?

I have not recently added anything, and no I have not done a system restore...that is my next move thanks.

Was going to do a system restore. Went to it, and only got a blank window. Tried several times,obviously there is a problem. Should I spend the $35 for windows tech support. I have a problem with WMP as stated above, I cannot get to MS updates(get activex warning, though I have tried to allow everything) , and problems getting into Yahoo mail, can read only but not compose etc. I have posted HJT on the viruses and nobody sees anything.

i've just had the same problem with media player. mplayer2 does work. does anyone know how to remove codecs? i've rolled back to p series and my system restore doesn't work either. might try antivirus

ok that didn't work, but i have fixed it. all you need to do is click on start-run and type 'regsvr32 jscript.dll'.

it works :!:

ok that didn't work, but i have fixed it. all you need to do is click on start-run and type 'regsvr32 jscript.dll'.

it works :!:

thank you so much... i've been trying to fix this for ages!

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