I recently experienced a problems with my outlook professional with business. Everything works fine except I cannot send an email from any of my accounts through outlook. It tells me that windows has experienced a problem and sorry for the inconvenience but must close and has a box to recover my lost document. Then It tells me when I try to send from the recovered word document that it was sent to, that there is a dialogue box open and to please close it and try again. However, there is no box open and the windows key + m doesn't work to show my desktop. Anyone have an Idea on what to do? Reverted to outlook express, works fine, I even imported my outlook professional contacts to it. But I miss what I am used to. I also called dell and they wouldn't help, I went to Microsoft and could only find solutions to Outlook 2007.

Thanks in advance for any help, I love the monthly newsletter, and learn a lot from all of you.


Try to open Outlook in safe mode. Hold down the ctrl key when you click on the icon. If that works, clear out any msgs in your outbox, and if you use pst's run a scanpst on them. You should make sure your Office suite is up to date with SP3 and all the other patches.

Try an inbox repair using scanpst. You will find it here:
C:\Program files\Common files\System\MSMAPI\1033\scanpst.exe
This usually fixes unknown problems in outlook.
Good luck

Sounds more like an MS Word issue imo. In Outlook go to Tools > Options > Mail Format and untick the box net to either "Use Microsoft office word 2003 etc...." to prove me right or wrong.

If it is MS Word, I would suggest either doing a repair, or renaming your standard templates (user profile\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates). Rename Normal.dot to something else so that it recreates it, (you can change it back if it doesn't fix it so you keep autotext entries etc...).

Regards, Dave

Which Office Service Pack are you on?

Dave, Thank you so much! This did solve my problem! I tried everything, didn't know I had the option not to use word. Like I said I learn something new here all the time.

have a great day.


Sounds more like an MS Word issue imo. In Outlook go to Tools > Options > Mail Format and untick the box net to either "Use Microsoft office word 2003 etc...." to prove me right or wrong.

If it is MS Word, I would suggest either doing a repair, or renaming your standard templates (user profile\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates). Rename Normal.dot to something else so that it recreates it, (you can change it back if it doesn't fix it so you keep autotext entries etc...).

Regards, Dave

Thank you all for your help, I tried all the fixes that were presented. I couldn't use the scanfix tool that was suggested. It said something about not being something that could be scanned, obviously I didn't do that right. should I have scanned the messages while outlook was open? Anyway, A huge thank you to all that responded. My system is an XP X86 with the SP3 Build 2600

Thanks again, Nanette

I go to C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Application Data\Microsoft and all that is in that file is Internet Explorer. I guess do a search for Microsoft template Normal.dot! thanks again

Glad your closer to a solution. TBH it could be the work build redirected, so a search, including hidden folders should find "normal.dot". Possibly an office repair too. Kind Regards, David

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