Here there, I have a problem with my Internet Explorer. When I search on Google or Yahoo or any other search engine, I get redirected to a totally random website unrelated to my search. My computer is less then a year old. I do have anti-virus software but when I run the Scans it doesn't bring up any viruses.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much.


If your browser has been hijacked your AV might not pick it up. You should tell us the max, including which site you are most often being re-directed to and which AV you've got.

main thing, is to head over to the Virus forum, read the sticky post, download the anti-malware software and do as advised there.

Doing anything else is most likely a waste of time.

Thanks! I will do that.


do as Suspishio suggested... and try downloading malware bytes.. if you haven't used it... it helps me a lot ...

do as Suspishio suggested... and try downloading malware bytes.. if you haven't used it... it helps me a lot ...

I use PC Tools Spyware Doctore with AntiVirus. One site it routes me through when I click on a search is then from there is routes me through etc. then it redirects me to a completely different website.

I will do as you suggest and get malware bytes.


No one anti spyware is sufficient
No one anti virus is sufficient
the time lag between new malware being released, and the required fix being created is different between vendors, having a resident AV, and using several non-resident on demand scanners,
& multiple versions of anti malware,
and practise safe hex.
Click on no unsolicited links, assume everything is bogus & malicious, and you should only get pleasant surprises
an often missed tool is the Hosts file

Got the Malwarebytes. It cleaned me up good. No problems right now with the redirect. Thanks for the Suggestions!!

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