Hi, Im new, so hello. It's a really nice forum. I just wanted to say that.
My problem is I'm having a blue screen with error 0x0000007b, and I may have the key in solving: I used avast to scan and it reported c:\pagefile.sys as a trojan (bifrose or something like that), so it asked me if I wanted to move and rename, and trusting that it's been enough time for avast to know how to play with vista, I thought I should...so it moved and renamed pagefile.sys.
Also, I scheduled a bootup scan after avast was done. I think its what caused my blue screen of love, and I would like to know how to uninstall avast from a bootcd (or any other method to uninstall avast)...
When I go to my vista bootcd, it sees my vista installation on the first or second screen, after it asks for the language and I hit repair, but then I do bootrec /rebuildbcd, and the cmd prompt shows that no windows installation is detected. How is that possible? it gave me the option to select it in the menu right before that.....