I have installed Windows 7 today after that I tried to install McAfee Anti Virus Enterprise Edition 8.5

Windows 7 prompted that this application has known compatibility problems with the application that you are trying to install. Considering this as problematic, I gave up and did not install the AntiVirus. Any one faced this problem and what is the solution?

Yeah, I had the same problem, though this was McAfee Security Center. I switched to Avast and that works fine. I've also tried Norton 2009 - works perfectly.

I have installed Windows 7 today after that I tried to install McAfee Anti Virus Enterprise Edition 8.5

Windows 7 prompted that this application has known compatibility problems with the application that you are trying to install. Considering this as problematic, I gave up and did not install the AntiVirus. Any one faced this problem and what is the solution?

We're using McAfee Enterprise 8.7, and we have a similar problem with Windows 7. The antivirus works, but the Windows Security Center can't read the status reports. The error message is attached. The antivirus program is working properly, so I just let it do its thing without worrying whether Windows can talk to it.

I'm not sure if this is the same thing you have with McAfee 8.5, but maybe this will help.

I ignored that warning but installed McAfee 8.5. It is not causing any problem. When I manually attempt to update it, it again shows the compatibility problem. I again ignored it and it updated the virus definition.

There is no working problem with McAfee 8.5 on Windows 7.

I have installed Windows 7 today after that I tried to install McAfee Anti Virus Enterprise Edition 8.5

Windows 7 prompted that this application has known compatibility problems with the application that you are trying to install. Considering this as problematic, I gave up and did not install the AntiVirus. Any one faced this problem and what is the solution?

hi dare
you have to installa 8.7 i have tray thet and it work

dear all;

current there is a real compability problem between McAfee and windows 7.

so please i need advice about what is the compatible antivirus which work successfuly with windows 7

thanks in advance

Use 8.7 and it will work. Ive got VirusScan enterprise 8.7.0i running on Windows Server 2008 R2 (windows 7 based). 8.7 runs fine. 8.5 does not work on that system.

commented: Hello, just reciprocating rep. Thanks +2

I've got VirusScan enterprise 8.7.0i running on my work PC and Mcafees online access scanner , turned on at reboot, magically turns off some time later. This causes the W7 Action center to issue warning messages and right now the only option is to reboot. Anybody else seen this?

dear all;

current there is a real compability problem between McAfee and windows 7.

so please i need advice about what is the compatible antivirus which work successfuly with windows 7

thanks in advance

Use Avast

Use Avast

Thats not always an option. E.g it is in the TOS of my network that i MUST use thier corp version of McAffee.

Use 8.7 and it will work. Ive got VirusScan enterprise 8.7.0i running on Windows Server 2008 R2 (windows 7 based). 8.7 runs fine. 8.5 does not work on that system.

Not quite, 8.7.0i is not fully functional on Win 7. As murphym has noted above, " The antivirus works, but the Windows Security Center can't read the status reports".

use KASPERSKY Antivirus to solve your problem

dear all;

current there is a real compability problem between McAfee and windows 7.

so please i need advice about what is the compatible antivirus which work successfuly with windows 7

thanks in advance

We're using McAfee Enterprise 8.7, and we have a similar problem with Windows 7. The antivirus works, but the Windows Security Center can't read the status reports. The error message is attached. The antivirus program is working properly, so I just let it do its thing without worrying whether Windows can talk to it.

I'm not sure if this is the same thing you have with McAfee 8.5, but maybe this will help.

Yes ,Having the same problem ...intended to resolve the format reporting to windows issues by installing McAfee 2010 Plus ...if I can find the needed CD to uninstall McAfee Enterprise 8.5....8.5 has given adequate security despite the format reporting no longer available...my issue is ie now that I have downloaded and ready to install 2010 ...I am being invaded with the click and crash warning alerts that can freeze a system... ONLY IF YOU CLICK THEM ... so my suggestion is to either leave Enterprise alone and beware of the click and crash security warnings (never clicking them) or install McAfee 2010 for compatibility supported format reporting to Windows .

if you use Mcafee antivirus & run Windows7... DO NOT UPDATE mcafee because u may find on restart that u have lost all files, & all programs will cease to work. Remove mcafee and install a freebie like "Antivir" or "AVG". I reported this bug to DELL as my pc is only a few months old & came loaded with mcafee. Dell's reply was to call a premium rate number for help!!
To fix, boot up in safe mode F8, in advanced startup options select repair pc then select restore system (to a time b4 mcafee updated). you may have to restore 2 or 3 times before it runs without errors

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