Whenever I try to use system restore, it says:
"System restore is not able to protect your computer. Please restart your computer, and then run System Restore again"

Of course, I tried restarting, and it didnt help. I went into the Services thing in the Administrative tools to see if it was actually running, which it wasnt. So I tried to start it, and it came up with this:

"Could not start the System Restore Service service on Local Computer

Error 5: Access is Denied."


Is this Microsoft Windows system restore or is it a system restore from a system partition (system restore selected at boot up)?

What is the reason for you wanting to do a system restore? Is it because of malware? If so, that's not what system restore is for at all.

Is this Microsoft Windows system restore or is it a system restore from a system partition (system restore selected at boot up)?

Thx for fast reply.
Yes MW system restore.When I tried to start it(service), and it came up with this:
"Could not start the System Restore Service on Local Computer

Error 5.Please help me if you know what is problem.

What is the reason for you wanting to do a system restore? Is it because of malware? If so, that's not what system restore is for at all.

No for malware.This service I need for future.

What protective software do you have though? System restore can often be badly affected by malware.

What protective software do you have though? System restore can often be badly affected by malware.

I have NOD32 Antivirus 4 and Spyware Cease.

What protective software do you have though? System restore can often be badly affected by malware.

Was actually wondering the same thing. A large number of malware-variants will either hide themselves in Sys restore for re-spawning, or disable Sys Restore to make recovery all the more difficult.

DL and rund both HijakThis and MalwareBytes to see where things really stand.

That being said, Sys Restore will occasionally fail in its own right due to corruption of core process files, which can usually be fixed by running a Windows Repair... but don't take this option until malware completely ruled out

Pay attention to kaninelupus. I've seen this several times recently.

Thx ever.I resolves problem.Just delete files in
C:/windows/system 32/restore
and instal new with C:/windows/inf/sr.sys
You need instal CD MWP SP2 or SP3

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