Hi there!

I have notices a program installed and often running on my Computer. i have seared all over and only been able to asertain that it is some web serever program. i would really like to get rid of it if it is safe to. could someone just please tell me what it is actualy doing and if it is just more of vista's junk software, Thanks!

It is indeed a web server. However, it's not part of the default Vista install. Did you try uninstalling it from Control Panel > Programs and Features ?

Well, i can see it in the control panel->programs and fetures list. i just don't know if it is esential and if i would hurt my system(ie. cause things to stop working) by uninstalling it.

Removing it won't hurt your system at all. A web server is an app used to either host webpages, forward emails etc. If you're not running any such tasks on your system, your system will actually perform better due to freeing up of system resources.

You mention fowarding emails, i do use Windows mail for my gmail acount will that be affected?

You mention fowarding emails, i do use Windows mail for my gmail acount will that be affected?

Not unless either was specifically routed through said ulitity's service, which is unlikely. Likely the OEM added to install for one of their own apps, or as a stand-alone extra. Either way, are safe to remove.

If you are trully worried about removing, simply disable from starting up at boot (via MSConfig) for a week or two. If not noticing it being used for that period (any app requiring it will load it up as it needs it), then you know you are safe to remove after that :)

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