I'm stumped.
After 18 months of rock solid stability. My display started flickering and buzzing a couple months ago. More specifically, I am seeing horizontal light colored lines flickering like an old TV. If I left the computer on, as I normally do, I would eventually lose the signal to the monitor completely.
I changed the graphics card, power cords, monitor, display cable (tried digital and analog). No effect.
I tested the power supply and viola! It failed. I got an RMA from Corsair (excellent support) and a new 620 watt in place of my old 520 watt psu. No effect. Argh!
But! I noticed two new clues when I installed the new power supply.
1. The issue goes away if I do not connect the case fans. Antec 900, with 4 case fans. Note: the large 200mm fan on the top doesn't seem to affect it. I tried connect each of the case fans independently and in different combinations and could not isolate a single fan problem. Problem is, I want that cooling and I want to know what changed.
2. The flickering seems to go away and the loud buzzing reduces to 10% of the volume if I crank up the monitor's brightness to 100%. Weird.
Ideas? Recommendations?