I've run into a few pages with frames, and mozilla seems unable to display them. Is there away to enable frames in mozilla? Any potential negatives to this? TIA.

Please go to Help -> About and tell us what version of Mozilla your running. Sounds like your running an old old one.

Please go to Help -> About and tell us what version of Mozilla your running. Sounds like your running an old old one.

Mozilla Firebird 0.7
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007 Firebird/0.7

Duh. Looks like I downloaded the preview version instead of the Mozilla 1.6. Color me stupid. :cheesy:

well, i am using the full mozilla and i cant see frames or some css stuff either

I've run into a few pages with frames, and mozilla seems unable to display them. Is there away to enable frames in mozilla? Any potential negatives to this?

I have been using Mozilla since version 1.0 (under both Windows and Linux) and have never has a problem with frames or CSS, nor have I had to make any changes to settings -- in fact, they can't be turned off, since CSS and frames are parts of the W3C-compliance standards and Mozilla is more compliant than IE. There should be no problems with Mozilla itself.

I would suggest downloading the full Java engine from Sun -- for starters.

I have been using Mozilla since version 1.0 (under both Windows and Linux) and have never has a problem with frames or CSS, nor have I had to make any changes to settings -- in fact, they can't be turned off, since CSS and frames are parts of the W3C-compliance standards and Mozilla is more compliant than IE. There should be no problems with Mozilla itself.

I would suggest downloading the full Java engine from Sun -- for starters.

If your frames are inproperly coded that could be why ;D

Mozilla Firebird 0.7
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007 Firebird/0.7

Duh. Looks like I downloaded the preview version instead of the Mozilla 1.6. Color me stupid. :cheesy:

Firebird isnt' quite to 1.0, yet. It's also a different form of the Mozilla browser, and there's nothing wrong with it's rendering of frames or CSS.

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