I just installed Win 7 pro 32bit on a Lenovo Z60m laptop. It went fine, except that there is no sound after the install. The speakers show as "unplugged".

I did some "searching" and found this same problem in some older posts in various forums. Some people reportedly solved the problem with recent drivers from Realtek or from Soundmax. But neither of those would work on my machine. Lenovo has not posted any recent drivers.

Anyone discover any fixes?

had similar problem ,difference was ,pci sound blaster audigy card /win7 no drivers ,but when i click on the sound device [in device manager ]and told it to fix problem it went to the net and got 3rd party drivers that made it work in win7

had similar problem ,difference was ,pci sound blaster audigy card /win7 no drivers ,but when i click on the sound device [in device manager ]and told it to fix problem it went to the net and got 3rd party drivers that made it work in win7

Yes, I tried that too. But I keeps saying I already have the correct driver. So it won't install anything else. But what I have won't work.

Appreciate the reply though

Yes, I tried that too. But I keeps saying I already have the correct driver. So it won't install anything else. But what I have won't work.

Appreciate the reply though

just a ?,did you uninstall the driver win7 loaded ,before you install one of the latest drivers you mentioned you tried from Realtek or Soundmax'

edit ; just found info that the sound device might be, Intel High Definition Audio Full-duplex audio,so unless you are trying high def drivers its not gonna work

try the high def driver found here .

just a ?,did you uninstall the driver win7 loaded ,before you install one of the latest drivers you mentioned you tried from Realtek or Soundmax'

edit ; just found info that the sound device might be, Intel High Definition Audio Full-duplex audio,so unless you are trying high def drivers its not gonna work

try the high def driver found here .

Appreciate the reply. But yes, I did try it a number of ways; including first uninstalling the existing drivers and then installing the new drivers. But it does not solve the issue that way either.

The Realtek drivers will complete the install process without any error messages, but nothing changes. The same driver ends up installed and the same problem persists.

The Soundmax drivers just refuse to install, saying I do not have the hardware to install these drivers.

Windows is installing the High Definition Audio controller, it shows up under "Sound....." in the Device Manager and also under the "System" section in Device Manager.

In addition I have tried plugging headphones in the laptop and they don't work either. I am thinking of trying to do an uninstall/re-install while the headphones are plugged in; to see if that makes any difference. Just on the basis that the speakers are indicated as "unplugged" when looked at in the control panel settings.

So far though, no real solution.

Appreciate all input though

sorry, good luck
it it were mine i would check in the bios to make sure that on board audio is enabled

sorry, good luck
it it were mine i would check in the bios to make sure that on board audio is enabled

I have looked for that. Can't find any BIOS setting for audio. I even upgraded the BIOS to the latest from Lenovo. But there is no BIOS setting for the on board audio that I can find.

I have also been searching the Windows registry for any entries that might flag the speakers as unplugged. To see if changing that entry might help. But I have not found one yet.

Thanks for the input.

sorry i couldn't be of more help. i just checked the bios of a Compaq laptop i have here and it dont give you much to change at all ,i would have thought given that you can buy a pcmcia sound card ,you would be able to disable onboard sound device in the bios.

Yes. that would be a "common sense" expectation. But it does not hold for this case. Thanks for the feed back though.

ok,maybe you tried this allready but here goes .
go to control panel/sound/ check in advance and properties for check boxes to make sure speakers are turned on

ok,maybe you tried this allready but here goes .
go to control panel/sound/ check in advance and properties for check boxes to make sure speakers are turned on

Yes, I gave that a try and the "Speakers" are greyed out and can not be turned on. Just gives message that they are "unplugged".

if it were me i would reinstall windows 7 and install the high def driver to see what happens .also it may be its need motherboard chipset drivers ,i would try that also [first]

if it were me i would reinstall windows 7 and install the high def driver to see what happens .also it may be its need motherboard chipset drivers ,i would try that also [first]

Yes, I have been looking for "chipset" drivers. Lenovo does not have them out, that I can find. I found one location that "claims" to have Windows 7 drivers for the Lenovo z60m and I tried those. But it did not help.

One problem I have is that I am not 100% sure of what chipset is in my model. So I have been trying to get that information also.

this is a free safe program i have been using for yrs .it will[if it can identify it ] tell you all you need to know and more about the motherboard .

this is a free safe program i have been using for yrs .it will[if it can identify it ] tell you all you need to know and more about the motherboard .

I get a web page not found message when I click on your link.

I have tried two "driver update" sites. Neither of which were able to identify or fix the issue. Both sites gave a list of other drivers that were out of date. but the list was wrong, all the drivers were fine. but neither of them identified the problem device.

I also found a site that claimed to have Lenovo recovery disk files with all the Windows 7 drivers needed. But that was a bunch of crud too. It had some Dell drivers on it and nothing at all needed for my Lenovo.

Anyway, I keep trying. Appreciate any and all input.

sorry about that,i posted 2 links and removed one but not all of it .
all you had to do was back the url up to the .com


sorry about that,i posted 2 links and removed one but not all of it .
all you had to do was back the url up to the .com


OK, thanks. I will see what kiind of info it gives me.

Apart from the obvious, I've experienced that Conexant High Definition SmartAudio 221 drivers work on most laptops =)

Apart from the obvious, I've experienced that Conexant High Definition SmartAudio 221 drivers work on most laptops =)

Hi, are you saying that this driver will work with win7 on a laptop with a realtech sound device, because that's what this laptop has ,it doesn't have a Conexant sound device

Probably because I've usually worked with HP/Compaq laptops and they usually have Conexant.

Probably because I've usually worked with HP/Compaq laptops and they usually have Conexant.

sorry usually dosn't count when it comes to drivers ,the realtech driver installed on this laptop ,so it has realtech device or the driver would not have installed at all

Well I managed to get the problem fixed. I used the CUPID software mentioned by CAPERJACK to verify that I had an Intel 915 chipset on my Lenovo and then was able to find a Vista 32 bit driver for the 915 chipset. When I installed that, the sound came on.

So, problem solved.

Hey demenace. I have the exact same problem and I was wondering if you could let me know how you got it working. I have the same Intel 915 chipset but i'm not quite sure where to find a driver. Could you let me know where you found it how you got it to work. Thanks

sorry to buttin but maybe at .

hank you for your post. Let's make sure that your playback devices are enabled.

Right-click the speaker icon on your taskbar > Select 'Playback Devices'
In the empty space, Right-click and select both 'Show Disconnected/Disabled Devices'
Do you see icons for your speakers and headphones now? You may need to enable both of these.

You can also try the troubleshooter to discover any connection issues that may exist, instructions are below:

Click 'Start' > Select 'Control Panel'

Type troubleshooting in the top-right search field > Select 'Troubleshooting'

Click 'Hardware and Sound' > Select 'Playing Audio'

Please let us know if this did or didn't help to resolve your problem

Did you guys ever resolve the Audio problem under Window 7 for Lenovo z60m? I have the same problem and I have tried every thing and still can't resolve it? CAN YOU HELP PLEASE.

Woopy I solved the problem ... It works great now.

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