
I've got a virus on my machine and have to reinstall windows 7. I bought y copy from software for students so it was downloaded. I can't really remember but I assume I must have also downloaded the product key. I usually keep all my product keys backed up but I can't find it anywhere. My Question is, is there any way to retrieve the product key from my laptop??

why not remove the virus before you reinstall ,

There's no way to get it off the internet. The only way you could retrieve a windows key off your computer is if you go into your computer properties or flip the the laptop upside down and there should be a windows key there for you. I'm not sure if that will be the version of windows you're looking for.

There's no way to get it off the internet. The only way you could retrieve a windows key off your computer is if you go into your computer properties or flip the the laptop upside down and there should be a windows key there for you. I'm not sure if that will be the version of windows you're looking for.

poster bought key and downloaded the win7 iso file from the internet ,software for students , there will be no key for it on the bottom of the laptop for it

You downloaded the key from the internet and save it on your laptop before you reformat it. You can go to the folder where you save the file before and tried to use a recovery tool to recover it.

I agree with caperjack that you should try to remove the virus, instead of reinstalling - it might be faster, and just as safe. :)

Anyway - you can use this tool to recover your windows key.

i also downloaded my key, i think you can just go back to where you downloaded it
if you have your login & password. they will probably have your purchase history & key. but i don't know what site you used.

It probably somewhere in your mailbox (email) because most software (microsoft maybe) send all key by email. I'm not sure if it also included in the iso files downloaded from the net. If you bought the software, you must have receive a key in your mail...

btw, most key in iso were probably a crack. never heard microsoft actually give download link for software with original key attach to it...

btw, most key in iso were probably a crack. never heard microsoft actually give download link for software with original key attach to it...

in that case let me be the first to tell you about it ,for the poster its a student program microsoft has,and it legit .
myself i have a msdn and tecnet acct ,where i can download all Microsoft OS's right back to 3.11, except for win95.98/me,in iso file format ,with working key ,for evaluation , .and ny company can purchase and 1 yr acct from these to sites ,to evaluate the new windows software ,so there it department can evaluate it before they decide to switch .

in that case let me be the first to tell you about it ,for the poster its a student program microsoft has,and it legit .
myself i have a msdn and tecnet acct ,where i can download all Microsoft OS's right back to 3.11, except for win95.98/me,in iso file format ,with working key ,for evaluation , .and ny company can purchase and 1 yr acct from these to sites ,to evaluate the new windows software ,so there it department can evaluate it before they decide to switch .

I can't quite get it but from what I can find in your post, it was a student package of windows and supposely it was legit and also included in the iso downloaded from legit site...

Am I wrong?

I can't quite get it but from what I can find in your post, it was a student package of windows and supposely it was legit and also included in the iso downloaded from legit site...

Am I wrong?

yes you are right , google shows many sites ,like this one .

or this one .

this is the one i have a subscription to, cost for it is about 400.00 per year .

wonder were the original poster went

commented: Thanks for the new information... Now I've learned more about computing... +3

this is the one i have a subscription to, cost for it is about 400.00 per year .

wonder were the original poster went

Nice link caperjack. And for the last part of your question, i think he is on a vacation:D

I think you may want to reformat it again in that way you can install it.

I think you may want to reformat it again in that way you can install it.

I don't want to be rude but...
The poster seems to forgot where she put the product key and ask if extracting the product key from the windows she's using is possible or not...

She can only reformat after she got the legit key to activate the windows later.

Reformat is not a very good option. Since she want the original poster want the product key. Reformat is usually when the laptop or computer is having serious problem.

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