I am trying to connect my laptop to my television by HDMI, i've done it before and it worked. But now I'm having some problems:: When I connect the HDMI cable to my laptop, my laptop's screen goes black, as if it didn't receive any image signal (neither the tv).
I disconnect the HDMI cable, and my laptop's screen stays in black, I have to keep pressed the ON/OFF button to turn it off.

I've tried to update my drivers, but with no result. Also I have de Uniblue Driver Scanner, but it doesn't detect me any driver update.

I don't know what else to do...

My laptop specifications are:
Dell Vostro 3500
Windows 7 64 bits
Intel HD Graphics

Thanks a lot!

Hello i have been having a look at your computer..... You can trying pressing Fn then F8 on your keyboard when the hdmi is in. This chnages the computer between Computer and Tv.

Hello i have been having a look at your computer..... You can trying pressing Fn then F8 on your keyboard when the hdmi is in. This chnages the computer between Computer and Tv.

I've already try this, and it doesn't work.

Ok... Hmmmmm could be the o/s or the card. Have u chnaged any settings or even software installed. Have you tried putting a different computer up on the tv. Or even a new cable

Ok... Hmmmmm could be the o/s or the card. Have u chnaged any settings or even software installed. Have you tried putting a different computer up on the tv. Or even a new cable

With other computers works fine, It may be a new software installed, but I've try restoring to a previous point but it steel doesnt work :/ .
I think that it's a driver issue or something like that, but I don't find any software that could tell me exactly which driver is the one that I need.

You will need Graphis card driver that's at intel

When I connect the HDMI cable to my laptop, my laptop's screen goes black, as if it didn't receive any image signal

plug it into the laptop ,with out plugging it into the tv, ,does it go black ,if yes it could be short in laptop or bad hdmi,
plugged into laptop and tv ,did you pick hdmi as the tv's imput

Ok. I had the same problem and i followed the directions to press the "fn" key and the "F8". It didn't work for either BUT i continued to press the "fn" key and all of the "F" keys and the "F4" key worked! So depending upon the type of laptop you have it may not be the "F8" key that works for you. I have an HP Notebook PC and I resolved this same issue by pressing the "fn" key and the "F4" key at the same time. You may have to press them several times as they seem to toggle thru multiple functions. I would say if this doesn't work try all the "F" (function) keys until you find the one that works on you computer. Hope this helps someone! Thanks!

Not sure, but I will try a couple of ideas for you (had several laptops like that)

1. Change the tv input to the correct source.
2. try the rectangle with the absolute value brackets around it (for me, its f4) and try to click it once, give it a few secs, again, few secs, etc. (usually there are 4 modes).
3. Try to right click on the desktop and go to the screen resolution. Click identify (this may recognize the input) and play around --not too much, please do not mess with resolution)

**Note, when trying option 3, you may have to follow 2 and wait till you see your normal desktop

hi iv been trying now for 3 days to connect my laptop to my tv which it used to work be4 but its not now?? could you help me plz??

well i have a diffrent prob.i wanna connect my laptop t my reciever which has hdmi socket..but when i connect these 2 not thing happens..is that even possible..or im just washing the see floor?

This requires additional drivers and you need to install those drivers to connect your laptop to your TV. Do not try connecting your laptop to TV while it is turned on.

I need help please! My HP laptop has been coming up with a white screen on startup with some black lines that run through...we used to be able to kinda twist the screen just a bit and it'd go to the color windows page and unfreeze... Now, it won't do anything...

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