hi guys,

i just bought an hp windows xp pc for myself and happen to notice some strange behavior. whenever i create a folder, for example a new folder in my documents, the same folder (with folder icon but empty contents) is created inside that folder. when i click on it, it redirects to the my documents folder. its functions like a shortcut. when i delete it, it says deleting new folder.exe. so now i figured its some sort of application pretending to be a folder. after deleting it and when i restart my computer the folder is there again. to me its annoying and seems its behavior is like a virus. i am wondering if this is related to the missing folder options problem that i am encountering just the same. i hope that some of you have encountered this same problem and help me resolve it. thanks guys. i'll be waiting for yor reply.

Hey if its a new comp reformat could be a problem with windows registery or it could be infected with a virus or spyware if that is not an option then use ewido to do a scan see if you have any spyware if not there have been a few more problems like this search this forum to see how they were solved.

Hey if its a new comp reformat could be a problem with windows registery or it could be infected with a virus or spyware if that is not an option then use ewido to do a scan see if you have any spyware if not there have been a few more problems like this search this forum to see how they were solved.

thanks to your reply. i did a lot of research and got info that my pc was infected of rontokbro virus. i have printed few info and started fixing them. i have cleaned the virus and all i need to do now is do the registry since the virus has changed it. i'm checking out some tools to do this. thanks for your reply though. i appreciate it.

hi guys,

i just bought an hp windows xp pc for myself and happen to notice some strange behavior. whenever i create a folder, for example a new folder in my documents, the same folder (with folder icon but empty contents) is created inside that folder. when i click on it, it redirects to the my documents folder. its functions like a shortcut. when i delete it, it says deleting new folder.exe. so now i figured its some sort of application pretending to be a folder. after deleting it and when i restart my computer the folder is there again. to me its annoying and seems its behavior is like a virus. i am wondering if this is related to the missing folder options problem that i am encountering just the same. i hope that some of you have encountered this same problem and help me resolve it. thanks guys. i'll be waiting for yor reply.
pl send me.

i am suffering same problem. so pleas could u tell how can solve this problem

dude it is a VIRUS i had it too avast and deleted it

I am facing the same problem, the same name folders are being created itself and regenerated automatically even after being deleted. and secondly got china USB virus. please advise me


pls help me

I have a pen drive. Today i see some named folders with the same name that has a exe extension.

1. When i double click on the same nothing will be happen.
2. When i format the same pen drive it cann't be formatted.

Now I am confused what will i do?

[ ashish mittal ]


pls help me

I have a pen drive. Today i see some named folders with the same name that has a exe extension.

1. When i double click on the same nothing will be happen.
2. When i format the same pen drive it cann't be formatted.

Now I am confused what will i do?

[ ashish mittal ]

Hi there
What do you mean it cant be formatted.what happens when you try to format?error massage? anything?

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