Greetings Techies,
My access to Youtube via IE 9 has become intermittent.
However, it's fine with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. 
I have tried disabling the ActiveX Filtering and tried
the Compatibility thing too.
The JavaScript is enabled and working (I checked it on
I have Googled for the problem a million times if I have
done it once. And I have applied all the "solutions"
offered. Nada.
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel#R# Celeron#R# CPU 550 @ 2.00GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 22 Stepping 1
Processor Count: 1  
RAM: 2038 Mb
Graphics Card: Mobile Intel#R# 965 Express Chipset Family, 384 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 59899 MB, Free - 8661 MB; D: Total - 54469 MB, Free - 32758 MB;
Motherboard: FUJITSU SIEMENS, ESPRIMO Mobile V5505
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled
Please help,

Do you have the latest version of flash installed and running as an add-on on IE9?

If you do have flash installed, you may want to try to reset IE9 back to its default settings.

Click on Internet Options, Advanced, Reset button.

there's this thing called microsoft fix it and it is kind of stupid, but i had the same problem and used it somehow and it worked.

Thanks for the reply guys. Yes, I do have the latest
version of flash installed and running as an add-on
on IE9. Yes, I have tried Fixit (you're right, almondjoy,
it is stupid!). Nada.
As of now, the only option is the Reset one, as suggested
by JorgeM. I'm a bit wary of trying it. Is it reversible?
Please revert asap.

i think its easier if u use the working browser.. MozillaFirefox or GoogleChrome


As of now, the only option is the Reset one, as suggested by JorgeM. I'm a bit wary of trying it. Is it reversible?

If you proceed with hitting the reset button, the result is that it will reset IE back to the state of a clean fresh install IE install. Is it reversible, no there isnt an unreset process that I know of. I have used this reset button many times when dealing with quirky IE issues. My experience has been favorable and have not encountered an event where I wish I did not click the reset button.

In those instances where the reset button did not help, if an IE upgrade was available, that was a another option. If neither options helped, I would proceed with installing a different browser.

Thanks, JorgeM, I'll cross my fingers and
give it a try. I'll let you know how it goes.

Well done, it works for me. thanks a lot.

Know what? Wonder of wonders! Before I could say "screwed",
it started functioning of its own. Its so god-
damn frustrating: Now it's not; now it is.
What the F could be the prob?

PS: Dear gAENA,
You're right but until and unless one
resolves the problem, one will ever remain in darkness,

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