After I start my computer everything is fine until the desktop is supposed to appear. Nothing happens the mousepointer works but the screen is all black. I think i accedently uninstalled intel. Has anyone any suggestions..?

have you tried safe mode, f8 on bootup,does you desktop show in safe mode ,could be virus related ,

I have, the same thing happens... I've also tried to reinstall everything but that doesn't help either..

I have, the same thing happens... I've also tried to reinstall everything but that doesn't help either..

are You saying you reinstall windows !! and it still shows nothing on the screen after the boot ,you do see the bootup info that shows when the computer is turned on right !

Oh sorry, I've tried to reinstall but it doesn't work, it has to be because i never get to the desktop..? i see the hp-logo and then a black screen like it's always when the computer is loading but then when the desktop is supposed to come it doesn't only the mousepointer.

Hi again! Okay so i managed to do a system restore and everything is back to normal except that i don't have any sound. I have c-media AC97 soundcard. It doesn't help to go into BIOS and do a setup default. Do I need to do a upgrade?

I've downloaded and tryed installing it many times and it seems to be going fine and then I start the cmoputer again but there's still no sound..

Check the Volume Control. Make sure that the Master Volume and Wave control aren't minimised or muted.

Hi again! Okay so i managed to do a system restore and everything is back to normal

I was just gonna ask you if you've tried this (Usually works wonders)

Good luck getting sound back!

God bless

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