When I try to download music to my mp3 player using "Windows Media Player" my computer freezes and crashes a few seconds into the download. Also, when connected to my pc, the mp3 display constantly flashes the word "busy". Can anyone help?

Does this happen with other media players?

Have you gotten the latest WMP updates/patches? WMP has more than a few security holes which the patches address. In other words, you might have been infected by a virus or some other malicious program which is causing the abnormal behaviour.

Thanks for the reply but I have just discovered what the problem is. I recently installed a broadband modem (Wanadoo) and the installation cd includes a program that monitors the modem's performance. For some reason, this program interferes with my mp3 player when I connect it to my pc. When I switched this program off everything was fine. :D

How weird and obscure; good find. :)

will u please help me??

my mp3 keeps saying the message NO FILES on the LCD.. but the radio still works.. i dont know what happened.. does anyone know where i could get an installation cd for memorex mmp8500? mine was broken a long time ago.. and i dont know where to get a new one.. please.. please.. help.. anyone??

Hey ashagirl....be sure to start your own thread instead of asking your question in another person's thread. :) That way, you will get the help you're seeking faster than by posting in someone else's thread, no matter how similar the problem is. Someone will help you out as soon as they can I'm sure. Good luck! :)

Hey ashagirl....be sure to start your own thread instead of asking your question in another person's thread. :) That way, you will get the help you're seeking faster than by posting in someone else's thread, no matter how similar the problem is. Someone will help you out as soon as they can I'm sure. Good luck! :)

ashagirl, deonnanicole is right. We do ask that members start their own thread as opposed to tagging their questions onto an existing thread (for exactly the reasons deonnanicole mentions). Being a new member, you might want to check out the full description of our posting guidelines at the following location:


Every time i try to put song on my mp3 it says that the file cannot be created, it has never does this to me before. Once i could get over 200 songs on now i can only fit 59 on. The memory is no where near full, please help ive got no idea what to do

Hi frankieroks,

First of all- welcome to DaniWeb :)

We ask that members not tag their questions on to a thread previously started by another member (regardless of how similar your problem might seem). Not only does it divert the focus of the thread away from the original poster's problem, but it also makes it less likely that you yourself will get the individual attention that you need.

Please start your own thread and post your question there. When you do, please try to give us as much specific info as possible regarding the problem (exact error messages, names/versions of relevant programs, system specs, etc.).

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As the member who originally started this thread has not responded in nearly two years, this thread is considered abandoned and has been closed.

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