A customer brought me in her NB yesterday. She said it wouldn't load windows. I booted it up perfectly fine. However i could not get online with it, nor could i do anything else. Come to find out, well over 3/4 of the services were set at disabled.
I took my print out of Black Vipers site and went through the services, turning them back on. Then everything seemed fine. That is until i rebooted. Then they all went back to being disabled again. The only ones that run is for her AVG. And a few others.
What would cause these to do this? I have ran complete virus and spyware scans as well as a root kit scan. Other then cookies and m web search, it's clean.
I was thinking of doing a repair install to see if it fixes it, but i am curious. I haven't come across this before. And searching google, i'm not turning anything up. So most likely. i'm searching the wrong strings.
The customer is a student at Penn State, but i know they wouldn't have all the normal services shut off on a system. I've seen some weird things come from their IT dept. But this is a little overboard if it is.
Any idea's? Thanks!