Running Windows 98 - 1st edition, I.E.6. Connected via high speed line.

Have been using Google as my home page in IE for years without a problem. 'Bout 3 weeks ago I noticed that Google had added a link to a Google of Canada page, and a few days later realized that I was now going to THAT page every time I opened IE ( instead of But it hardly seemed important, since the functionality was the same...

Now, in the last few days I've lost the ability to get to either Google OR I get the old "this page cannot be displayed" message. Every time I try to access Google. And ONLY Google. From anywhere. Every other website I've gone to seems to display just fine. But not Google. And for some weird reason I can get to Google news (although only ). I even searched Google news to see if there was some problem with the site, but found nothing...

I can also get to Google image search, and Google groups... just not Google itself.

And in perhaps the most bizarre twist, I can access Google thru AOL which I really only use anymore as a mail server.

I've run Registry Repair, Registry Mechanic, Spybot search and destroy, and AVG all without a change to the problem.

Of course there's other search engines available, and they all seem to work just fine, but I've gotten used to Google.

Any thoughts?

I've run Registry Repair, Registry Mechanic, Spybot search and destroy, and AVG all without a change to the problem.

Just ran HJI and selectively fixed problems until Google was usable again.

When i tried to load it didnt come up!! loaded straight away..

Good luck me friend! Welcome to the site :)

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