Hello lately i'm getting errors running games that i've downloaded and I just don't understand what's happening. I get Entry Point not found in ntll.dll on one program and entry point not found Procedure Point RestoreLastError errors in kernel32.dll

I'm using Windows 2000 SP4 and the games i'm playing say they will work with it, Others have reported the games as working fine just for me they won't.

I'm wondering if it has anything to do with my spyware or firewall programs.....I don't use my system restore features as a precaution against restoring spyware etc.

I have searched and searched these errors and come up with not much that makes sense. Other than replacing my ntll.dll driver, which i'm not entirely comfortable doing. The one that I already have is a different filesize than the ones that I have found available for download, i'm not sure they are for 2000, I think they are for XP this is one reason i'm hesitant to replace it.

I have been virus free for years and have little spyware...i'm very cautious. The only other thing i've done differently recently is i've uninstalled a lot of things that I don't use anymore, how would I determine if one of those apps changed something on uninstall?

Enough rambling I would appreciate any help thank you!

Remove programs through add remove programs in control panel.

See if you have "uxtheme.dll" in your Windows System directory if so delete it.

Remove programs through add remove programs in control panel.

See if you have "uxtheme.dll" in your Windows System directory if so delete it.

I did remove them that way and went behind with cccleaner as I always do to remove traces from registry etc.

uxtheme.dll was not found.

Do you think reinstalling sp4 for 2000 will correct any corrupt dll issues I may be having? Is there anyway to just grab the .dll's that I need from the sp without reinstalling the whole thing? I vaguely remember being able to view the cabs but its been a while since i've done anything like that, this computer has been totally stable for so long I don't know how to troubleshoot it anymore:lol:

I did look at the replacement .dll's again at dlldownload.com however they both start with version # 5.1 etc which is for XP.

Thank you for trying to help :)

Is what you posted the whole error or just part of it?

Ok here's the first one

Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point RetoreLastError could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL 32.dll

The second one is

Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point RtlGetLastWin32Error could not be located in the dynamic link library ntdll.dll

Two seperate apps one error for each.

Are these pirated games with cracks?

LOL no. I have contacted the company also, same company made both games and the only help they offered is to either redownload them because they might have been corrupt downloads (their words not mine) or to pick different titles.

Did you take their advice and retry the download? You may want to delete the other first.

Had to ask.LOL

Application tries looking for the function that doesn't exists in the dll. Look here. Also try checking if the download is intact.

That's the answer.

The programs were written for older versions of Windows, and are trying to use a deprecated function. Microsoft removed that function for some reason.

This is one reason I believe that operating systems should not be allowed to be changed.

And sometimes it is as simple as a problem with the download.

i just installed the max pack v1.14 for carmageddon 3 tdr 2000 and an error keeps popping up whenever I try to open it "The procedure entry point _AIL_redbook_volume@4 could not be located in the dynamic link library mss32.dll" very annoying someone help

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