
I am running XP OS2 on a pentium 4 computer. I have AVG free virus software

Everytime i run an application, any application, on my computer for more than 15 minutes, my computer turns off, and i can't reboot for about 5 minutes.

It started about 2 days ago when i installed this new mps converter. As soon as i tried to convert a buch of files at once, the computer turned off. I have since uninstalled the converter, but my computer still crashes when i run any programs.

i can surf, skype, and message to my hearts content. but i can't run anything other than the apps that come on in startup mode.

I checked the event log, and cannot find any events that seem to correspond to when my computer shuts down.

I can't run any diagnostics on my computer, cause they cause it to shutdown.

What should i do?


Instinctively I'd say that apps load the CPU; surf doesn't. So is there any chance that your CPU is overheating - the heat isn't being conducted or blown away?

Have a look at your cooling on the CPU or the case.

from u r sentence i chould understand that u r system is installed with xp sp2 and u had a problem with u r processor because b running any program more than 5 min u r system is restarted ,i think u r system is not properlly installed with win xp sp2 ,format once again an reinstall and reinstall drivers also

from u r sentence i chould understand that u r system is installed with xp sp2 and u had a problem with u r processor because b running any program more than 5 min u r system is restarted ,i think u r system is not properlly installed with win xp sp2 ,format once again an reinstall and reinstall drivers also

No - it runs for 15 minutes (presumably cools off) and 5 minutes later he can re-boot.

How on earth do you conclude that his system is not properly installed? Anything solid?

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