About a week or two ago, my internet surfing has started to become a pain because everything seems to moving in slow motion. So I went to see what programs were actually opening when I start up my PC because a month or 2 ago, I hd to go and close this program called PCSNOOP that kept popping up. Well not there abour 20+ programs that I have never heard of showing up in my start menu. Is this the sign of a virus? Or is there some other explaination? Either way, what can I do to solve this problem.

Thanks for your responses!


About a week or two ago, my internet surfing has started to become a pain because everything seems to moving in slow motion... I had to close this program called PCSNOOP that kept popping up... about 20+ programs that I have never heard of showing up in my start menu.

That doesn't sound good. Post the list of what's running. It sounds like possible Trojans and keyloggers. The only reference I have found to PCSnoop is a program to view a webcam remotely.

You can start by downloading Spybot - Search & Destroy from Download.com. Just enter spybot in the search box and you will be able to find it. just be sure to update the program before you scan your machine.

The virus checker Grisoft AVG is free for personal use from http://www.Grisoft.com

How do I update the program, I just downloaded it? Do I need spybot and Grifsoft?


How do I update the program, I just downloaded it? Do I need spybot and Grisoft?

Spybot is for Trojans, spywae, and keyloggers. AVG is for viruses.

Updating Spybot:

* Go on-line.
* Run the program.
* Click the online button (at the left side of the program window).
* Click on the Search for updates button (near the top of the program window).
* Check everything but skins, then click on Download updates.

After everything downloads, you can then configure the program (start with the defaults) and run the scan.

Pcsnoop,or ptsnoop,ptsnoop can be a trogan or it alson can be a program loaded with certain modems ,but it sounds like you have a trogan ,as you are getting more strange .exe ,i hade a computer here the other day with the same problem it hade 5 worms on it and they eventually stoped the computer ,it would just boot tothe desktop,they had about 1500 .e.xe files corrupted .I had to reload windows .RUN the AVG program quick !!

Thanks! I'm on it, I'll let you know how it comes out.

So is PCSnoop a parental control program or is it always a virus, (unless it is part of the modem setup)

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