Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Both technologies are used for dynamic websites development.
PHP is an interpreter based technology where as java is compiler based(usually JSP).
PHP is open source where as JSP is not.
Web sites developed in PHP are much more faster compared to Java technology
Java is a distributed technology, which means N tier application can be developed, where as PHP is used only for web development.

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Helpful for the publishers!!

danielmav commented: You're right +1
Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

SMO is all about promoting your brand on social media and developing yourself as reputed enterpirse among social communities.

Stuugie commented: Exactly right +6
Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

As MAC has got wonderful UI and it is nix based you must go for Mac device for programming purposes..

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

I don't think that there's much you can do other than trying to make the forums and online communities a little more interesting. Also as a new user if I warrive over to a forum and I am not famaliar with the working of the forum, there's should be a moderators or someone who can assist in telling "hey you are interested at this place why don't you go over their" it can be acheived by telling the new users after sign up to head over to that particular "xyz place".
Most of the coummuity practices are like if I join the a new community I say "HI" a number of users came and say hi but none of them mention that we have this and that threads where you can seed and all ! Also to increase engamement of the visitors make sure that you have all updated news that one can look for... each and every questions smust be answered in the fastest manner. Addition of more different simileys will aslo be a good way to keep user interest also there's should be some different ranking status like if you make 10000 vaild post then you will be given moderation priviledge as this would make sure that a member have good amount of post keeps comming back and that's surely going to help in reducing bounce rate!!!

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, I don't know actually about it but I think 2 tier linking is something which can hurts you down.So, I wouldn't advise you to move forward with it and also as far as the tool usage is concerned I do wouldn't advise you to do that one too because using tools with the linking can hurt you !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, I would say Google Pengium update has already been updated to Pengiun 3.0 last year i.e at around october. So, I don't think that there's much to wonder about you can check the post over the SearchEngineLand located over here

Also I guess not google has been gearing for some other updates maybe next generation of panda and all ! Also I would suggest you to subscribe yourself over to the searchengineland post to make sure that you are updated with the change in trends and all !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, best android which works ?? What does that mean ?? I think you need to elaborate a little more over what you are trying to ask over here !!

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Don't concentrate much over the Page Rank as it's already dead ! Better is to work with over the good way which you currently don't think much about the Page Rank and all !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, I am not sure if your idea is going to work out or not as larger frims like searchengineland, moz, searchenginewatch are their. Anyway you can take reference of them to get ideas for your blog. I am sure these are good enough to help you in keeping yourself updated to all the reent trends !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, in order to understand high authority domain you need to know what is Domain Authority. So what is Domain authority - You can say it as a measure of the power of a domain name. It's based on three factors i.e Age, Popularity, and Size.So I guess this three factors itself clears that the site having higher domain authority means more will he chances that it can rank over the SERPS and getting a link from that domain mean you also have the higher chances of seeing yourself over the SEPRs.

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, there isn't any linkbuilding techniques we follow rather than just keep in mind while building the link make sure that link relevancy is their and the links you drop looks more and more! Like I always said you can start moving forward with the forums, Yahoo Answers, Q/A's, Blogposting and also sharing them over the social media. The key is to make the whole thing go viral and once you hit the virality meter link will start creating automatically !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

@robertlaar There's nothing like easiest way of getting high PR backlink aslo I think you are running a little outdated over here because PR is something dead and I don't think that there's any use of giving much attention over to the Page Rank. Better to concentrate over the other things i.e. the Page Authority and Domain Authority. And also please remove the term easiest way from your dictionary as that's something which I don't think is going to help you rather than what better would be start looking for a way around ! Start building links by taking help of yahoo answers, forum posting, Q/A's etc !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

@davijhon well, that looks like the webmaster tool is working good as confirmed by other members over the forum !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, the best things you can do is go through this post over the Search Engine Watch I am pretty much sure it will help you in clearing your doubt about what actually site wide links is and are all of then unnatural.

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, Pinging doesn't adds any value to website's rank-ability in Search Engines but it does help search engine Web crawlers to discover content quicker that is required to attract traffic.

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, @davijhon it do seems that you have written the answer pretty much well and I seem to agree with you on this one over here, but I would say the last link "all the links of your site is good then it must be very helpful to get better search results" I guess what you are trying to say over here is, if all the links to your site is good then it's very helpful in getting yourself ranked much better over the search results.

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, because you are a newbie on this one I would say first of all try learning what actually engagement in context with a website is ?? Over here what it means is building your website in such a way that what users comming down to your website wouldn't press the close button ! Say I have site which is made for fun and user came down and didn't find any fun over their I don't think they will bother waiting over your site, so what matters is the weight or I could say in fun category the content you have or the games or anything you have which keeps the interest of the user comming down over to your website! So here I would say before moving forward in working with the optimization thing make sure that you have put everything required for a site to function correctly at the proper place!

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Ditto as @happygeek mentioned and one more thing you can do is tap over here it will let you know What is Google Caffine

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, as I said before better option would be looking onto the competitor, check where he's in better positing than you, and you'll have the path to follow. And as far as creatin backlinks are concerned I would say you remove the term "Where else can I build backlinks easily" out of your dictionary instead of it add the term "How can I build backlinks in a funny and addictive manner" so, the answer over here is start participating over the forums, Questions/Answers like Yahoo answers, mosaichub and all, also start posting some information blog post over your own blog and use the power of social media to promote is and once you get the fun in building link by participating ... you will start getting bulk of them ... :D

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, guys this is more than a year old thread I would say there's no need to comment more over here !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Yup you got that no doubt paid advertising is a good but SEO is way more important to make you getting good traffic from search engine and getting good traffic means the chances of getting conversion would be much more higher !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, @muthukutty On-page includes:

-Keyword selection, research and testing
-Meta Description tag
-ALT tags
-H1 tags
-URL structure
-Internal linking strategy
-Keyword density
-Site maps, both XML and user facing
-Usability and accessibility
-Track target keywords

While, Off-page includes:

-Forum Posting
-Classified Post
-Blog posting
-Social Media
-Directories (Yahoo & DMoz directory submission is enough)

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, I guess this question can be easily answered by taking a little help from Google,** What is the difference between PPC and internet marketing**! I am pretty much sure that it will answer your query !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, your senior is correct on this one that using Disavow tool can help you in getting rid of the bad backlinks, so the idea here is suppose you have seen a link which is really low quality and you dubt that it will in future takes you toawrds the path of penalty then you can use your disavow tool over it put the link over to the disavow tool and now when serps rank you over the search engine they will not consider that link to rank you over the SERPS, it like in a school teacher give you the freedom to came to class at anytime, he's not going to marke your attendance based on the time you have reached the class. One more thing use this tool wisely because it's a powerful tool and I am sure you must be pretty much aware that power comes at a cost. Better option would be first try talking those low quality links down by contacting the owner of that site at personal level and if you can't reach then or he ask for money to remove the links then you should move ahead and use disavow tool.

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, there's no difference between Keyword tool and Keyword planner tool both of them are same Keyword Tool and Keyword Planner Tool, they are known are Google Keyword Planner tool used for getting the idea about they keyword you want to target ! There's isn't any difference at all.....

PS: I have seen the links in your signature which says "Best SEO company in Bangalore" now I wonder why you didn't know the difference between these.. ? It doesn't makes sense to me !

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, man I would say first of all you need to learn what SEO is inorder to ... I can get the idea just by hearing the question which you have asked over here ! One more thing those links you put over the signature is off page activites in SEO, in this we try to gain backlinks with the help of forum posting .... Head over to the Search Engine Land and start by reading all the post over their, I am sure theycan easily help you out in knowing what are the do's and dont's ...

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, mate first of all slow down getting backlink in the faster rate may harm you until or unless you have gone viral. Over here @Dani has mentioned the most appropraite answer you can try taking the help of social media!

Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, if you have done a little Googling then you would have easily get the idea what its any way there you go What is RSS Feed

totalbhakti commented: thanks.. +0
Kelly Burby 44 Posting Pro

Well, there's nothing much you can do with twitter other than using twitter card over your website, and be regular with posting updates over twitter make sure you run some contest giving away some freebies over twitter, as this will escalate more user interaction over your twitter page!