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467 Posted Topics
Re: Never think like a lazy one. Think deeply how could you do it by writing your own code which can give more grip on codification. You can use selection changed event of text box to do your owns. | |
Re: Suggestion: Do it through SQL not from datagrid which could be more easier for you | |
Re: You can use Dynamic array to store your users. | |
Re: Use of Executescalar() function to get the count of record numbers. Therefore, you must have to use Count keyword before StudentId into the select statement. My suggestion: Store StudentId and do same in logout procedure as you do in log in | |
Re: Form Load() event is not a way to show a form in wpf. There has no conception exists as fom like vb form in wpf. Every one is a window. Wpf does not support mdi | |
![]() | Re: @සශික : Nothing wrong in your codes to print data. Just alter some lines in your codes. 1) Never declare the variable `Dim mRow As Integer = 0` at Event level like PrintPage Event, always declare it at Form level and set its value to 0 at BeginPrint Event. 2) … |
Re: "**+**" Charactor always concatinates two string type values i.e "200" +"200" always give you the result **200200** instead of **400**, because you treat them as string type. If you declare them as numeric type then it will give you 400. Your mistake is at line no 2. Declare **tot** as … | |
Re: In my project I did it in VB.Net. But I do not know PHP. If you like I can post it, but it is in vb2010. You would convert it in PHP. | |
Now I am going through a project with colors. And then I think that if I try to display color values with their names in a simple combobox, it could be amazing. I tried and did it and it is looking like  And  And finally the … | |
Re: Function **OleDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()** always returns an integer value of affected row So, to get the number of affected Row you must have to use it as function type not statement type. i.e. Dim icount As Integer = sqlCom.ExecuteNonQuery() | |
Re: You can use [**Union All**](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/databases/threads/506558/select-data-from-two-mysql-tables-using-one-query-not-working-properly#post2211792) Clause. Your sql syntax should be SELECT tt.product_id, tt.purchase, tt.sale FROM (SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity) AS purchase, SUM(0) AS sale FROM purchase GROUP BY product_id) UNION ALL (SELECT product_id, SUM(0) AS purchase, SUM(quantity) AS sale FROM sale GROUP BY product_id) tt | |
Re: Would be nothing. | |
Re: My opinion is you can solve your problems most easily if you create two seperate functons one to check Blank Text and another to check duplicate value. If the function (1) finds the blank text then exit from save. and if the function (2) finds the duplicate value from database … | |
Re: From my opinion: before use **If sqlRead.Read() Then** at line No. 27 of your code, ensure that the Reader object has any row to read on matching parameters you supplied in your sql statement. If the reader does not hold any record it may raised an exception, because it has … | |
Re: Change **ADP = New OleDbDataAdapter(query, cnnOLEDB)** with **cmdOLEDB = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(query, cnnOLEDB)** at the line no 78. without initializing command object u canot use it. | |
Re: from my opinion: when you have tried to add parameters with command object by using **parameters.Add()** method you must have to convert the type of the value which you want to save in respect of the parameter type you declared in your code. Exception could be raised from your code … | |
Re: Please post, what you tried in your sql statement. Clue: just Join and select the max value. | |
Re: ' Check if any rows exist If rd.Read() Then If rd.GetString(3) = "small" Then MessageBox.Show("small") ElseIf rd.GetString(3) = "Big" Then MessageBox.Show("big") ElseIf rd.GetString(3) = "Midium" Then MessageBox.Show("Mid") End If End If This is not the proper way to check any record if it exists. datareader.Read() always produce a single record … | |
Re: > strSearchText = TextBox2.Text > Dim sqlquery As String = "Select * from Housedat where (PROPID LIKE '%" & TextBox2.Text & "%')" Why do you not using the 'strSearchText' ? In Sql Query any string type condition must be within a single quation. strSearchText = TextBox2.Text Dim sqlquery As String … | |
Re: Fiestly please show the code what you did. Secondly, for every catagory at the end the subtotals should be added as a listitem for that catagory. Or you have to create an User Control for your use. | |
Re: >If dsTrainingItems.Tables("TrainingItems").Rows(inc).Item("Sanitation") = 1 Then >chkSanitation.Checked = True >End If Where from you get the table name "TrainingItems" ? You can call by using index from the tables array of the dataset. It should be If dsTrainingItems.Tables(0).Rows(inc).Item("Sanitation") = 1 Then chkSanitation.Checked = True | |
Re: You can use **MINUS Clause** in SQL Statement. Multiple queries can be put together and their output combined using the minus clause. The **Minus** clause outputs the rows produced by the first query, after **filtering** the rows retrieved by the second query. The statement should be "SELECT DISTINCT id FROM … | |
Re: You can do it by using a `STRUCTURE`which can give you full functionality to solve your problem. Read [this post](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/software-development/threads/495590/help-with-formating-zones#post2168625) you can get your way to solve the problem by yourself. | |
A cumulative update May-18 released by Microsoft, there are some new features added and I update my W10 in my lap but after updating VS-15 Pro does not load its full features, when I try to run it and for that reason I do not open any solution or create … | |
Re: `adapterDelete.DeleteCommand = MysqlConnection.CreateCommand()` `adapterDelete.DeleteCommand.CommandText = sql` These two lines are caused for your error. `adapterDelete` does not declare in your code. except that every thing are ok. | |
Re: You can get an idea from [this post](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/threads/507797/how-to-authentication-users-using-ms-access) in daniweb | |
Re: Why gg.Dispose() ?? fro my opinion from there your problem has been arised. | |
Re: You can read this [overview](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/drag-and-drop-overview), which can help you. | |
Re: Post your codes which you tried to store data to database from datagridview by which we can help you to solve your problem. Well! pick up the current row (i.e. the row in which you are writting the values) of the datagridview and creating an sql command you can store … |
The End.