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8 Posted Topics
Re: No problem at all, just have the browser open a new page (upon clicking print)"your page here") pass the parameters that you need.. i,e. the coupon is customized for each person with the person's name and the date"yourPage.htm?customername=xxx&date=yyy") After the page renders with the coupon, call document.print() in … | |
Hi, My select box contains some very large text values. eg: [CODE]<select name=mytext> <option name=one value=one> one </option> <option name=two value=two> a very very huge option that cannot be accomodated</option> <option name=three value=three selected> three </option> <option name=four value=four> four </option> </select>[/CODE] i need to make the selectbox size 100px, … | |
need to do the conversion as said above. eg. "one thousand five hundred" --> 1500 1500-->"one thousand five hundred" upto billion.. tried using this logic.. separate billion, million, thousnd, units..made std fn fn_conv(){ convert to hundredth place.. then store to var.. million, billion ..} then print in format.. ("%d,%d,%d,%d",billion,million,thousnd,units); but … |
The End.