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14 Posted Topics
Re: You keep asking the same question in multiple forum posts. You asked this question last week in this post: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread107197.html[/url] Now you are starting a new post with the same problem. Essentially you have broken down your problem (encrypting an image given a text hash) and you keep posting new … | |
Re: Hello, If you want to encode/decode pixel values into an image, I recommend the EasyBMP library ([url]http://easybmp.sourceforge.net/[/url]) . If you are looking to encrypt/decrypt a file, any file, I recommend using the zlib compression library ([url]http://www.zlib.net/[/url]) Addendum, if you are looking to write your own image encoder/decoder, Wotsit's File Format … | |
Hello, I need to simulate a stream which behaves exactly like a ostringstream, except when handling objects of type color. What is the best way to do this? [code] user.display() << color() << "Name: " << color(color::Red) << setw(10) << left << str_name << endl << color() << "Date: " … | |
Re: [CODE=c++] #include <iostream> #include <string> int main(void) { using namespace std; string in_str; cout << "Enter the a sentence " << endl; getline(cin,in_str); int const screen_len = 10; int in_len = in_str.size(); int pad_left = (screen_len - in_len)/2; int pad_right = screen_len - pad_left - in_len; string out_str = string( … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Democles;910343][code] /tmp/ccphpsfl.o: In function `main': main3.cc:(.text+0xd7): undefined reference to `read(std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, Student_info&)' main3.cc:(.text+0x126): undefined reference to `compare(Student_info const&, Student_info const&)' main3.cc:(.text+0x236): undefined reference to `grade(Student_info const&)' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status [/code] [/QUOTE] You are compiling the main3.cc file without the other files it depends on. Use a … | |
Re: [code=C++] // Read the comments embedded in the code. // Some Advice. Read this carefully and understand it. Then and only then read the rest of the code. int primer_on_else_if() { if( day == 1 ) // do this when day == 1 do_something(); else // do then when day … | |
Re: Rather than hand rolling the XML markup, you should use the [URL="http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxmldocs/index.html"]TinyXML[/URL] library to create the XML files. It's a very simple library, and comes with lots of [URL="http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxmldocs/tutorial0.html"]examples[/URL]. | |
Re: [QUOTE=SteveDee;532639]If I define numberset[] as float, and someone enters 4.5 as a lotto number, how would my program then recognize it as invalid?[/QUOTE] You can simply truncate the fractional portion of the number. [code=c++] #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> using std::abs; using std::floor; int numberset[6]; cout << endl << "now, enter … | |
Re: [code=C++] #include <algorithm> // for each student for(int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) { // display exam codes in ascending order std::sort( students.at(i).examcode.begin(), students.at(i).examcode.end() ); for (int j = 0; j < students.at(i).examcode.size (); j++) cout << students.at (i).examcode.at(j) << "\n"; } [/code] see reference for sort() here: … | |
Re: Please note that [B]case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: [/B] don't do what you intend. You want to use [B]case '1':case '2':[/B] '1' '2' being chars. Ok, I stand corrected. cin does parse numbers. case 1: will work. However it parses the entire number that will … | |
Re: [QUOTE=jov0708;531962] [code] key |= (long)(buffer[i]); //<- this line causes the problem }[/code] there is an error message saying "unable to handle exception". [/QUOTE] Is [B]buffer[/B] declared as a byte array? [b]unsigned char buffer[8];[/b] Native types don't throw exceptions. What you might be doing is using a vector and accessing an … | |
Re: Read Alf Steinbach's tutorial. It walks you through getting and setting up a C++ environment as well as providing a fun introduction to c++ programming. [url]http://home.no.net/dubjai/win32cpptut/html/[/url] I highly recommend buying "Accelerated C++" by Koenig and Moo. It's an awesome book, fun problems and an introduction to STL make this a … | |
Re: I would like to help and I will as soon as you address some problems of mine: 1. Be specific about your problem. Simply saying that xyz feature does not work is not specific. 2. Post only the relevant code to your problem. 3. I understand that english is not … | |
Re: [url]http://pngwriter.sourceforge.net/[/url] Now there is a program that could badly use a tune up. Look at the 4 duplicated constructors and the funky iterator names iiii, jjjj FTW. Anyways, the copy constructor is duplicated as there is both a pngwriter &pngwriter::pngwriter( pngwriter &other ) and an overloaded assignment operator. Not only … |
The End.