836 Posted Topics
Re: You have to establish some form of communication protocol so that your application running in the systray and your service can talk without being the same thing. | |
Re: Its possible that doing it in the initialize component section may not be helping, but.. normally I wouldnt use this.MyVideo_Ending, it would just be MyVideo_Ending | |
Re: If I could purswade you off a text box and to a VTM I could point you in the direction of some (in my opinoin) really awsome training videos which are cheap IMHO for the amount of time and fun you will have and how much c# and so on … | |
Re: A reason to use get/set is so that your class contains control over the input For example Exam results shoul dbe between 0-100 No exact type exists to hold only 0-100, so, if the class has a set which validates the data, it cant ever have an issue where the … | |
Re: What are the values of: ptrData, VoiceBuffer, lpdata and dwdatalen before you hit the marshall line? | |
Re: Looks reasonable, only thing that might be usefulw ould be what if its not the primary screen ? | |
Re: probably because wav files have a header - to tell them the speed, etc | |
Re: According to MSDN its supposed to [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.checkedlistbox.selectionmode.aspx[/url] | |
Re: The short explaintion of a more efficient version: When finding prime numbers, you should only test 2 and 3 to the square root of the number in increments of 2 (eg odd numbers), even if you arent going to use a list of generated prime numbers to reduce the time … | |
Re: Because all your thread does is tell the main form to do stuff, and loop - it itself doesnt do the work. What you should have done was put all the sleep etc in the threadtask, and have an invoke to update the progress bar with a new value.. and … | |
Re: Either way, if you want an asp.net app, go ask in the asp.net forum ![]() | |
Re: Loads of them The ones I liked best Ive seen were on [url]http://www.3dbuzz.com[/url] while its marketed towards XNA they cover a lot of the c# fundementals while making it fun MS have one too, but I found it rather dry | |
Re: OK so when the location changes, clear and populate the floor combo with items that match. | |
Re: What error are you getting? and what code is behind it? ( I havent any c# and excel code to hand, but, logic will prevail) | |
Re: Include it as a dependancy in your packaging product? | |
Re: How about scotts valley where embarcadero are based? | |
Re: Im sure if you took this to your teacher they would be more resonable than perhaps you made out. If you read the notes at the top of the forum, we dont do your home work for you. Rashakil and ddanbe both have highlighted exactly where your code goes wrong … | |
Re: And, more to the point, which version of excel did you add as a reference? | |
Re: Please do a search on the forum. There are more than plenty examples of opening spreadsheets - and how to get/use data within them | |
Re: You can also google for skinning / thememing components, they often allow you to design a "look" for your app and some are even free. | |
Re: [QUOTE=asme;716103]I hate to make an analog clock... [/quote] Then dont do it. [QUOTE=asme;716103]I even dont know how to draw a circle and line in C#..I have made that all in C++...But i cant swtich that to C#.. Please help me with this.[/QUOTE] Why not? most of the code is at … | |
Re: Step is something that delphi kinda overlooked. Easiest answer is a while loop. | |
Re: if you mean the event where a user presses windows+L or ctrl+alt+del+lock do a google on windows hooks and locking screen | |
Re: Turbomen, do what you can, paste the code in, tell us what doesnt work or what error you get and we'll try and help you. Doing homework for you isnt going to happen | |
Re: Thats a heck of a lot of code. Work with something smaller, its easier for us, and easier for you as you end up with a small snippet with only whats needed in it If you just read the files from console, its much harder because someone could write "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\dir1\dir2\a.txt" … | |
Re: You're using the wrong event.. Have a look at the others (I know this has been discussed before, I thought even with you) | |
Re: UDP stuff is always harder to work with as you cant guarentee its arrival. Have you tried a packet sniffer on the recieving end to ensure its getting there? | |
Re: Have a search for the perfmon calls, they would be your best bet. I dont have the info to hand so you can google just as well as me :) | |
Re: Sure. try google | |
Re: Well, thats a little ambiguous if you have an array of things such as [code] Thing[] mythings = new Thing[100]; [/code] you can access their methods just like any other normal variable but by adding the [n] option to say which of the objects you are using Post a snippet … |
The End.