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26 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for rizrash

[QUOTE=rizrash;345029]hey friends this problem is definately hurting me !! its happening all the time now listen to this !! i changed the display screen of turo C from full screen to normal window view made a program nd run it !! afterwards it returned ack to that full screen and …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for hket89

Believe me nobody is gonna help you unless you show some progress in your assignment.

Member Avatar for dani_277
Member Avatar for 9868

Hello everyone, Here's my code for making a dynamic array(the user inputs the size of the array). It's working fine but I think that I've not made the best code. Is there any suggestion for improvement or optimization? [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int *p; int n,i; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for RobBrown

Your code is full of errors. 1. Check for matching curly braces. 2. main is returning "sum", it should return 0 3. Check for semicolons 4. C is case sensitive. What are ROWSIZE, COLSIZE?

Member Avatar for anandi ilu
Member Avatar for kyumi419
Member Avatar for pk09

[QUOTE=keerthiga;981253]sum() integer x,y,z read x,y z=x+y print"the sum of x and y is",z end sum()[/QUOTE] Oh man, this is really funny. The OP is asking for elapsed time and you're telling him/her to add two integers.

Member Avatar for 9868
Member Avatar for chathu12
Member Avatar for dumbncool

[QUOTE=Dave Sinkula;961225]Associativity? I don't even think you got that right if you were trying to say precedence. [/QUOTE] Isn't the precedence of * and ++ same, that's why we look for the associativity in *p++ whcih is right to left.

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for no1zson

goto makes the code unreadable and hard to debug. The only place where goto is advisable is coming out of a nested loop.

Member Avatar for hket89
Member Avatar for hket89

1. Use code tags. 2. [code] scanf("[COLOR="Red"]&[/COLOR]c", &code); [/code] 3. Your do while will print invalid code even if someone inputs a valid code. 4. Use switch statements instead of if-else. 5. For double I think the format specifier is %f only and not %lf, but not sure. 6. Indent …

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for lecotti

1.You're not creating the string properly.[COLOR="Green"] status==OUT[/COLOR]. 2. If you make the string properly then also the makenode function is not correct, you need to pass the characters of the string one by one, not the whole string at a time. In your case there are no left and right …

Member Avatar for lecotti
Member Avatar for yasaswyg

[QUOTE=yasaswyg;941245]I need to write a function that traverses a general list and deletes all nodes that are after a node with a negative key. But I dont know where to start so can I get some help[/QUOTE] 1. Make a simple linked list by adding several nodes to it. 2. …

Member Avatar for yasaswyg
Member Avatar for notsogood
Member Avatar for waqarafridi

[QUOTE=waqarafridi;942675]Hello Every one Does any One know the format specifier for BYTE. so that it can give me Binary output.[/QUOTE] There is no format specifier for binary output, you have to make a code to get the binary output.

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for compubaba

[QUOTE=compubaba;940633]Agreed that a+b+c is (a+b)+c if left to right associativity is assumed . Do u mean that associativity rules are applied if an operand competes for two operators of same precedence simultaneously. Take an example f() + g() * h() When I want to evaluate this expression first I will …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for riyas_26

[QUOTE=riyas_26;940650]Going to attend interview in few hours pls i need some basic questions with answers in C Dont send links pls sirs i am fresher..[/QUOTE] So. What do you want us to do? We dont know what will be asked in the interview? BTW you cant crack an interview by …

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for no1zson

[QUOTE=no1zson;939411]Thanks I thought it was some kind of error deal. What do you mean exactly, "It's on main()"[/QUOTE] Adding to jephthah's reply, return 0 is optional in C99 standards. So you can remove it.

Member Avatar for no1zson
Member Avatar for lecotti

[QUOTE=lecotti;940285]Hello, simple program here i can't seem to get to work. In a nutshell the program reads characters into an array using getchar and then prints them in a loop, although the numbers printed are not the ones i entered! thanks in advance [code]#include <stdio.h> #define MAXSIZE 100 /*max array …

Member Avatar for lecotti
Member Avatar for farhan.foxtrot

[QUOTE=farhan.foxtrot;940205]Compiling the following problem with visual studio 2000 gives the errors: temp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl ungetch(int)" (?ungetch@@YAXH@Z) temp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl getch(void)" (?getch@@YAHXZ) Debug/temp.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals Error executing link.exe. The code is taken from Dennis …

Member Avatar for 9868
Member Avatar for yeshkadiyala

[QUOTE=yeshkadiyala;935548]Hello... Im a newb to both C programming and DaniWeb .. the prob is tht i try to compile this program in TurboC3 #include <stdio.h> #include<Conio.h> main() { printf( "hello" ); getch(); } when i press " alt+F9 " it says " Warning:: program should return a value" and no …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Katvillan

[URL=""]Here[/URL] is some info about rand function

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for furqankhyraj

gotoxy is not a standard C function, so you need other library for that.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Karthy

[QUOTE=Karthy;936111][B][I]why C is a not a object oriented program ?[/I][/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Because C++ is.[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for 9868
Member Avatar for 9868

Here is a code: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main(void) { char *s1="hello"; char *s2="world"; char *s3; s3=strcat(s1,s2); printf("%s",s3); } [/CODE] What does strcat returns? Why does this code results in run time error? And one more question : Are "hello" and "world" terminated with '\0' in case of char pointers? …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for 9868

here is a code [CODE] #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { int b[10][5] ; int (*q)[10][5] = &b ; printf("%d", (char*)(q+1) -(char*)q); } [/CODE] the output it produces is 200 while if I change the typecast to (int *)(q+1)-(int *)q, the output is 50. I know that q is a pointer to …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for 9868

Here is a code [CODE] #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { int a; a=f(10,3.14); printf("%d",a); } int f(int aa,float bb) { return (aa+bb); } [/CODE] If I run the code it produces garbage value, but if I declare the prototype of the function before main it produces the correct output as 13. …

Member Avatar for jephthah

The End.