2,867 Posted Topics

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You're better off re-ripping your CDs to MP3s. Transcoding between lossy formats (MP3, WMA, etc.) is one of the worst possible ways to degrade your music's quality. If you need flexibility between formats, keep a backup rip of your music using a lossless format (such as FLAC, ALAC, APE, WavPac), …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Sturm

Hello, I believe you need to use the [inlinecode]-lalleg[/inlinecode] with g++ to link with the Allegro libraries.

Member Avatar for kristiangd
Member Avatar for lol_hacker101

Incoming mail server generally uses either the POP or IMAP protocol. The addresses generally look something like pop.isp.com or imap.isp.com. Your outbound server for sending your messages is still from your ISP, but it usually has smtp. in front of it, because it uses the smtp mail protocol. You could …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for tech291083

Listen to jbennet - he's telling you the right stuff. First, there's no need to remove Linux off the hard drive. The Windows installer is good at taking up the whole hard drive; that's why it's Windows after all. ;) Second, Windows often warns that it may freeze up when …

Member Avatar for 64waves
Member Avatar for jo2995

Why should we help you do something that could possibly be illegal for you? Sorry, but we don't usually try to help people access their porn sites from their workplace or school or whatever. And if it's a website that's "legitimate", get the network admins to unblock it.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for >shadow<

>4302 songs, 24.76GB Makes my 6.4GB, 1129 song collection seem small. :sad:

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for andrisetia

[quote=srinath.sec;348370]use fibonaci(int n) { if(n==1) return o; if(n==2) return 1; return fibonaci(n-1)+fibonaci(n-2); }[/quote] I think you need to read these: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/announcement8-2.html[/url] [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/announcement8-3.html[/url] Not only that, but I know for a fact that the code won't work.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Da Programmer

If you want private data storage, you can get nearly 3 gigabytes of free storage by [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2005/03/01/how-to-use-your-gmail-account-as-a-personal-file-server/"]turning a Gmail account into a file server[/URL].

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for megalinx

If you open the Terminal (located in Applications/Utilities) and run [inlinecode]ls /Volumes[/inlinecode], does the name of the hard drive show up in the listing? What happens if you go into the Finder, choose Go->Go to Folder... and type in "/Volumes" as the destination folder?

Member Avatar for coltech88
Member Avatar for IwalkAlone

>i dont know it is correct or not It's not. Why don't you test out thing on your compiler first before posting them? To concatenate a string, remember that strings are basically arrays of characters. This means that you can loop through the arrays (or strings) and copy letters into …

Member Avatar for ahmedhamdy
Member Avatar for Corndog

Firewire can be finicky... I often have problems where nothing shows up after I plug a camcorder into my computer(s). What I usually do: 1. Turn off computer and camcorder 2. Connect computer to camcorder via Firewire 3. Turn on camcorder, make sure it's working 4. Lastly, start up the …

Member Avatar for JAI1978
Member Avatar for Dark_Knight

The problem that you're experiencing is that getchar() only grabs a single character from the input buffer. This would be fine, except that there's still a newline left in the input buffer that resulted from hitting 'enter' after your input. fgets() is next in your loop, and all it gets …

Member Avatar for jigar23
Member Avatar for M.S.Vinod
Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for John A

$ telnet irc.daniweb.com 6667 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused $ telnet irc.daniweb.com 6697 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused Down since yesterday. Any chance this could be fired up again? On a related note, what happened to the old …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for John A

[URL="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40255643/"]Line Rider[/URL] is an extremely addictive web game. (Try playing it, and see when you can stop.) Now a lot of programmers would rather play that than work on their project. But actually, if you program right, you can actually make it fun instead of being a dreary bug-fixing experience. …

Member Avatar for sapure
Member Avatar for rajeshwari2413

What have you got in the /etc/apt/sources.list file? Have you run 'sudo apt-get update' before trying to install build-essential?

Member Avatar for tclyae
Member Avatar for idRATHERgoHUNT

[quote=blud;287444]WoW and EQ2 suck, FFXI is the way to go[/quote] Nah, all the games mentioned so far suck. I don't think [I]anything[/I] can even begin to rival [URL="http://www.puzzlepirates.com/"]Puzzle Pirates[/URL] :mrgreen:.

Member Avatar for remixedcat
Member Avatar for TechTJ

Yep, the terminal comes in handy sometimes. Open it (/Applications/Utilities), and run the following command: [code]sudo chflags -R nouchg ~/Music[/code] Enter your password, and it will remove the lock flag on any file inside your Music directory.

Member Avatar for jmay1234
Member Avatar for jollyton12

Hello, What you've got here is your Mac is trying to load what's called a "kernel extension". In this case, it's ACPI, which is a power management driver. Either the permissions are corrupted, or the file itself is. What I would suggest at this point is to insert the OS …

Member Avatar for dioioib
Member Avatar for audiotechnob

[QUOTE=david hasselhof;516471]got another question. do i have to pay for the software by downloading one of this files?[/QUOTE] If you're referring to VersionTracker, then it depends on what software you want to download. Some will be commercial software, in which case you'll be downloading a demo. If you're downloading freeware, …

Member Avatar for dioioib
Member Avatar for dan@dani

Have you tried manually getting the websites with [URL="http://www.emtec.com/download.html#zocfiles"]Telnet[/URL]? [url]http://www.xoc.net/works/tips/telnet.asp[/url] When you reinstalled, did you format the hard drive first? Other than that, I don't know.

Member Avatar for andy326733
Member Avatar for amerikanja

Contact Hotmail via email, and provide all the important information (that used to exist): - Email address - Alternate email address - Full name - Location - Password - Security question - Age - How long you've had the email address - The threats you've recieved - Your current email …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for owey34

[QUOTE=fashzl;530431]Every time I turn on my computer I get a white screen asking me for a primary or admin password. Richard if you coud help me I would appreciate it. My computer system #CC72211-595b.[/QUOTE] Again, read the post more carefully: [quote]You can either call our technical support or you can …

Member Avatar for tulampa
Member Avatar for NMC

That means that your monitor isn't recieving a signal from the video card. Check that the monitor cable is plugged in and that nothing is broken. Wiggling the cable is also a good idea.

Member Avatar for clydylz
Member Avatar for Lomoco

[QUOTE=crunchie;513964]What would you have us do then? Send everyone who comes to Daniweb for help to another site? The idea of a public forum is so that questions can be asked and answered within the thread. That way, not only does the OP benefit, but anyone else with similar problems …

Member Avatar for Bwazza10
Member Avatar for Lomoco

As far as I know, there isn't a way of doing this. If you've encrypted any of your data with FileLock, you should probably retrieve any that you can get based on your existing knowledge of user's passwords on the system. Once you've salvaged as much data as possible, then …

Member Avatar for Bwazza10
Member Avatar for CharleneM

>Be careful that you get the POWERPC one NOT the Intel one. There is no universal version!!!! The only reason Tiger isn't a universal binary is because it was released before the Intel Macs came out. Thus, any Tiger disk you buy will be for PowerPC only. Tiger should run …

Member Avatar for sheikhali449
Member Avatar for paradox814

>I DO NOT want to share the ENTIRE hard drive The entire hard drive is not shared by default. With public privilages (no password), you can only view folders which have view permissions set to "public". So, to answer your question, simply restrict the folder permissions by choosing "Get Info" …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for The Dude

I like to think of myself as the very smart person, yet the chareristics described under "Tweety" don't describe me at all. I feel that the quiz is highly biased. For example, in question 7, why in the world is salad the "smartest" thing to eat? I know this quiz …

Member Avatar for Kewne
Member Avatar for saqib389

Hello, Installing Bind is not complex. First of all, you'll want to download an RPM for Bind: [url]http://penguinman.com/rh9/bind-9.2.3-1.i386.rpm[/url] Once it's finished downloading, you can install it (as root): [code]rpm -Uvh bind-9.2.3-1.i386.rpm[/code] Then you can edit [inlinecode]named.conf[/inlinecode] to configure Bind. See here for more information: [url]http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/bind/[/url]

Member Avatar for gloo

The End.