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46 Posted Topics
Re: Hi, there [CODE]int c = 0; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox txtRun = new TextBox(); txtRun.Name = "txtDynamic"+c++; txtRun.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 18+(20*c)); txtRun.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 25); this.Controls.Add(txtRun); }[/CODE] The problem with your code is that it creates the TextBoxes with the same properties whenever you … | |
Re: Maybe you are looking for something like [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/CustomFrames.aspx"]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/CustomFrames.aspx[/URL]. Or could you be more specific what would you like ? | |
Re: Hi, Check [URL="http://www.dotnetcurry.com/%28X%281%29S%28mudflvgrlqteozn1qen5vf1l%29%29/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=125&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1"]this[/URL] | |
Re: a constructor shouldn't have a return type (in your case it's void, this is why you are getting that error message), instead write it like this: [CODE]public DinArray(int size, int type) { ... [/CODE] | |
Re: Hi, Could you provide your current code, cause as far as I know it should refresh itself automatically whenever you append a text to it. :) For instance, when you click on a button you can add a new string found in a textbox: [CODE]richTextBox1.AppendText(textBox1.Text);[/CODE] | |
Re: Hi, Have a look at this please: [URL="http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-ZA/vbgeneral/thread/89474c0d-bb68-4bdf-b23d-8d593fc75073"]http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-ZA/vbgeneral/thread/89474c0d-bb68-4bdf-b23d-8d593fc75073[/URL] good luck!:) | |
Re: Hi, please define what do you call a double property. | |
Re: Hi, For posting code pls use the code tags, and provide more information so we can figure out where you got stuck and help you out. Perhaps you should check out first something like this: [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/floodfillincsharp.aspx"]Flood Fill Algorithms in C#[/URL]. | |
Re: Ofcourse there is, go to the statement whichever you want to debug and press F9 and a red button will appear (you can click there to activate/deactivate that aswell, and if you click on that with the right-button you can select any of the options you listed above, feel free … | |
Re: Hey, in your method your returning only if that expression evaluates as true, otherwise there'll be nothing (you don't use return). This could be a solution: [CODE] public string getElement( int index ) { if ( ! (index < MIN) || (index >= myArrayList.Count) ) { return myArrayList[index]; } return … | |
Re: You need to find the gcd of the numerator and denominator and divide them with it. a/b = a/gcd(a,b) / b/gcd(a,b) [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet217166.html"]This is how you find the GCD[/URL] | |
Re: Hey ofcourse, create a DateTime object, check out it's constructors and choose the one you like, then access the needed properties like this: [CODE] DateTime date = new DateTime(); if(date.Month == 5 ... if(date.Day == ... [/CODE] check out the other properties aswell :) i'm sure you can find everything … | |
Re: @mshauny: are you sure that's correct ? @Angelic One: The property called Checked should do the job, like this: [CODE] bool yes = YesRadioButton.Checked ? true : false; [/CODE] Hope this helps :) | |
Re: Hi there :) I hope you'll like C# and stick to it because it's a wonderful language to learn ^^ The problem is that you don't initialize your "type" variable (you don't give any value when you create it), this has a consequence that if you try to use it … | |
Re: Hi, I think you should place all the stuff in your Car class into a container, so you can deal with it much more easily. Place them into a list or whatever you like more :) Try this first and if you can't solve the upcoming problems ask your question … | |
Re: Hi, I think you should make an asnychronous call off your main thread, so it can work on the image processing in the background and leaving the main thread lag free, so the user can interact with it. I know it's not an easy task and especially for the first … | |
Re: hey there, well you should use a lock, and don't forget to use invoke to update the progressbar. You can call this function when there is an actual progress: [CODE] private void reportprogress() { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(reportprogress)); } else { lock (this) { if(progressBar1.Value+10<=100) progressBar1.Value += 10; } … | |
Re: Hi there, You could create a public property in the form where the textbox is: [CODE]public string GetTextBoxText { get { return textBox1.Text; } }[/CODE] And when you create this certain form in the other form, you can call the property like: [CODE] FormWithThatTextbox form = new FormWithThatTextbox(); string variable … | |
Re: Hi, you need to implement Drag & Drop functionality, google it, there are a lot of tutorials :) Good luck! | |
Re: Hey there, Try this rather, it might be easier: [CODE] public string getnumbers(string str) { string result=""; foreach(char c in str) if (char.IsNumber(c)) result += c; return result; } [/CODE] I hope it helps ;) | |
Re: hi there. all you need to do is to create an eventhandler for one of the comboboxes and use that same one for the others (search for the event and select from the dropdown list the combobox_selectedindexchange eventhander). Then you can do something like this to get it's name (you … | |
Re: depends what domain do you like? i can recommend something like this [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBgG_VSP7f8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBgG_VSP7f8[/URL]for instance, it's quite an interesting topic in my opinion. | |
Re: "GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers." Perhaps [URL="http://gmplib.org/"]this [/URL]can help. There are some wrapups aswell for C# | |
![]() | Re: Does your webbrowser manage javascript?? You can start out from here because that's the problem :) ![]() |
Re: Actually it's: [CODE]_Cars.Items.Clear();[/CODE] ;) | |
![]() | Re: Hey there, you should try WPF, it's newer and much better than the older windows forms. It's graphical interface is way better than the GDI+. With Expression Blend you can create custom controls, templates and anything you want. Watch youtube videos about Expression blend and you will see. I hope … |
Re: Hi, Please read into [URL="http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/mahesh/readwritexmltutmellli2111282005041517am/readwritexmltutmellli21.aspx"]this tutorial[/URL]. Try to adapt the examples to your problem. Start writing your solution and if you are blocked somewhere reply here with your specific question and with code fragment. Best regards, Tamas | |
Re: Hi there, The problem you have is that in each of the forms you create, you recursively create again another array of forms, so you'll have infinitely many forms. Why don't you use it in some other eventhandler, so it won't create the array automatically as a form loads up. … | |
Re: Hi there, If your just starting to learn C# I suggest you (we all do) to try solving your problem, write the code and make it work. If there are errors you can't figure out or anything then post the relevant code within the code tags and ask what you … |
The End.