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10 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for computerages

First off, how many screens do you have? It sounds like three, one for the monitor, one on the laptop, and a third 'free' one for your extended monitor. If you only have two (one laptop and one actual screen) there is nothing really you can do to have extended …

Member Avatar for smartvmuk
Member Avatar for bibiki

It's likely your router already has what you need to get these devices connected. The router is probably also your DHCP server, if you can connect both computers to the router and get to the internet with both, you're basically good to go with connectivity. Do you have anything else …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for MikeTackett

I'm looking for any thoughts on how I am currently doing error handling in my VB.NET programs. Basically I put code in a try/catch, then call an error handling sub passing the exception and a string. The error handling sub gives an error message and writes to a text file: …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for twigan1015

It is possible, add a handler to use a different key to move you through the controls based tabstops. I would use the enter key and have a "submit button" on your form that you can activate by giving it focus and hitting space. This is assuming you can use …

Member Avatar for MikeTackett
Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

Firstly I would recommend running the higher quality interfaces to the higher quality displays. HDMI to the Large TV, HDMI or DVI to the smaller, and DVI or VGA to the monitor. Really it's your choice that's just a suggestion. You can use Cat5 to run some of this. A …

Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah
Member Avatar for gisek

Frankly I don't think you have much of an option without either some kind of centralized environment or know who you want to connect to on the other end. You say you want a connection even if the central server went down? I'm assuming (and only assuming) that this is …

Member Avatar for iKay
Member Avatar for gshauck
Member Avatar for MikeTackett

I consider myself still a novice programmer but I'm starting to develop and maintain applications with end users for the company I'm working for. We don't have a policy on version numbers and I'm looking for advice on when best to update them. I understand the major.minor portion is largely …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Checkout Solarwinds, they have some great tools and the LANsurveyor is a great tool for mapping your topology. Their stuff is a little pricey for what it is but if you want something for personal use they have lots of demos that are fairly unrestricted. LANSurveyor doesn't show any traffic, …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for eventhorizon

It sounds like a hardware problem really, I have to question if it's taking [I]longer[/I] than normal to get the boot screen. It's not uncommon for the initial boot to take a few seconds to load. If it is taking longer then troubleshoot it as a hardware problem. How is …

Member Avatar for MikeTackett

The End.