Hello to everyone at Daniweb.. :) I'm currently studying B.Tech 2nd yr in the field of computer engineering in India..I'm quite tensed about the prospect of placments..Can anyone please suggest what all computer skiils or languages should i know for increasing my chance in placements into companies like Yahoo??
Currently i know c.c++ and java..Is it necessary to know shell scripting and scripting languages like perl, python, php..Wat about networking??
Can anyone please guide me?

Thanks a lot in advance...:)

$3RI0U$ G33K

perl is (or at least was) a very good language to know. some people would say that it's a dying language and is being replaced by Python. one of those two would be worth your time.

i'd say to hell with PHP, though. everyone and their brother knows PHP. anyone can build a webpage. you can learn it online if you need to so dont waste your time on it while in school.

at least a basic understanding of networking (TCP/IP) is necessary.

Java is good... Have you advanced to JDBC...
Try learning some DBMS and SQL, Some thing like ORACLE...
its easy and will help while deloping application that needs storing data of retriving it...
Python i guess is new, but has earned a lot of rep...
Knowing .net especially C#.net would have an advantage in Microsoft kinda oriented job, in India...
Do learn LINUX(compultion)...

Now learn at least one operating system internals e.g. unix . windows.

Internals of Unix... Understood...
Internal of Windows...
What does that mean...
If you don't mind me asking

I think in order to prepare for campusing,u should have ur fundamentals clear.The people who come to recruit u just sees ur basic knowledge about ur subject.You dont need to know some thing which is difficult.Should know the ins and outs of C n C++ along with JAVA since its part of your course n they also sometimes test ur knowledge about database,opertaing system n networking(basics).These r d most common topics asked about n rest on ur luck.

Can anyone please suggest what all computer skiils or languages should i know for increasing my chance in placements into companies like Yahoo??
Currently i know c.c++ and java..Is it necessary to know shell scripting and scripting languages like perl, python, php..Wat about networking??

Well that depends on what you want to do, not what company you want to go with. Unless of course you care more about the company than the role.

For a software engineering role at Yahoo they look for Unix knowledge, C/C++, OO, SOAP, XML, Web services, PHP, MySQL as requirements.

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